Despite the fact that modern medicine has a fairly high level, often people, especially women, still prefer to use the recipes of traditional medicine. However, traditional medicine can harm if used uncontrollably and her recipes are illiterate.
The most commonly used traditional medicine in gynecology. In this article we will talk about such diseases as ovarian cysts, treatment of folk remedies which gives good results. However, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that the treatment of folk remedies is only advisable if a woman has a functional cyst.
The functional cysts, doctors are those cysts that are amenable to therapeutic treatment - medical, without surgery. Doctors refer to this type of cysts are follicular and corpus luteum cysts. Typically, these cysts resolve within two months maximum. Otherwise, operative intervention is almost inevitable.
Along with traditional treatment, which appoints the gynecologist, you can try the treatment of ovarian cysts folk remedies. However, in any case inadmissible completely abandon the traditional treatment, relying only on traditional medicine. And besides, before use of certain traditional medicines, the woman needs to make sure that it has not previously been allergic to a particular component.
Recipes of traditional medicine
So what are the tools offers a traditional medicine for the treatment of cysts? This will be discussed below.
A very good therapeutic effect on ovarian cyst has a tincture of berries raisins. For the preparation of tinctures, you will need 400 grams of raisins, preferably without bones, as well as half a liter of vodka. Raisins should be placed in a glass container, pour vodka and close tightly. Infuse vodka must be made within 17 days in a warm place, protected from direct sunlight.
Then get a tincture of a sick woman to be taken three times a day, about 15 minutes before a meal, one teaspoon. The treatment should be continued for 21 days after that requires at least a three-day break. Typically, after two such treatments the cyst dissolves without a trace.
However, note that in any case, unacceptable to use this recipe in case if a woman is expecting a child, or suffering from such diseases, in which the consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden. And do not look for that alcohol in this method of treatment is used in very small quantities - it is not enough to cause the feeling of intoxication. But in order to degrade within a disease, it is quite enough.
Another very effective treatment for almost all types of cysts is the fresh juice of an ordinary mug. The recipe itself quite simple - you need to squeeze the juice from fresh leaves or burdock root. You can do this in several ways, depending on your abilities and desires.
You can finely chop them, wrapped in a gauze cloth and carefully squeeze the juice, but you can with the help of juicers - the main thing, then the juice cleanse impurities from the raw materials. You can prepare the right dose at a time, and you can - just for a few days. Keep burdock juice in glass containers must be tightly closed lid, and certainly in the refrigerator no more than one week.
Take the juice of burdock sick woman to be every two hours, two teaspoons. Of course, except for night-time - Service start definitely not worth it. The course of treatment should last at least one month - then be sure to go to the US. Usually, cysts or resolves completely or largely reduced in size. If the cyst started to decrease, but not yet fully resolved, treatment after a week's break can be repeated one more time.
By the way, the recipes of traditional medicine is very effective in improving the skin - smooth fine lines, in case if there are any - or rash, they almost completely disappear. But in that case, if the woman has any - any problems with the stomach - gastritis, or even more so a stomach ulcer - from the use of this tool is to abstain.
Juice mug without problems and the loss of effectiveness of the treatment can be replaced by ordinary gruel of young leaves of burdock. To do this, simply twist in a meat grinder and fresh leaves of burdock. Take it should be on exactly the same pattern as burdock juice, one tablespoon. Store the finished raw materials needed in the refrigerator, not more than three days. And in any case, not in a metal container.
- Tincture of acacia flowers
No less effective in different species of acacia flowers and cysts. The cure is to use alcohol infusion of acacia flowers - both fresh and dried. 500 g fresh or 300 g dried inflorescences pour half a liter of vodka, only in a glass container and place in the refrigerator and push about three weeks.
After this time, the infusion should be carefully drain. Store it in the course of treatment must also be strictly in the refrigerator. Take tincture must be as follows: the first day - one spoon at breakfast and dinner, the second day - one and a half tablespoons of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Third day - two tablespoons of 5 times a day. After that - one day break and repeat the treatment regimen. The complete course consists of five such cycles.
After completing the course of treatment is necessary to make an ultrasound treatment to evaluate the effectiveness of traditional medicines. If the positive effects will be expressed quite significantly, you need to repeat the treatment. As a rule, after the second course absorbed the largest and "capricious" cysts.
By the way, the combination of this with the previous method of treatment gives much better results even in very advanced cases. But then again - in any case we must not forget that this also means is unacceptable to apply to pregnant women, as well as those who have a disease in which the consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden.
No less effectively promote resorption and various herbal teas. For example, the next infusion of the small size of the cyst resolves in about three weeks, a little surprised that the doctors - gynecologists.
To make this miracle brew woman will need 1 tablespoon of fresh or half tablespoon of dried raspberry leaf, and one tablespoon of nettle. Raw materials must be crushed, placed in an enamel bowl and pour one liter of boiling water. Dishes should be tightly cover, wrap a thick towel. Infuse must be at least three hours, then carefully strain using gauze fabric.
Take the infusion must be a hundred grams before each meal, but at least three times a day. Acceptance of this tool is to last at least one month, after which it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and do an ultrasound to find out exactly whether this method helps the treatment. In that case, if the cyst started to decrease in size - to disperse, you can safely continue treatment. Take a five-day break and repeat the course once more.
No less useful in a variety of brushes and tincture of pine needles. And it can be used as pine, fir and pine needles. Prepare infusion is very, very simple - just got needles - five tablespoons - put in a thermos, pour one liter of boiling water and cover. Insist the broth must be within one day.
Take the broth must be as follows: the first day - in the morning on an empty stomach, three tablespoons of the infusion, at lunch, the food - half a cup of broth in the evening before going to bed - even half of broth. So take three days, after a break for 2 days, and then repeat the above diagram. There should be 7 approaches.
As you can see, if women have some form of ovarian cysts, treatment of folk remedies can be quite effective. But forget about traditional medicine in any case can not - be sure to regularly visit your doctor and follow all its recommendations and destination.