Runny nose - it is unpleasant, that is familiar to everyone. There is a runny nose due to swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Runny nose is a symptom of various allergic and infectious diseases. Characterized strongest runny mucus. Runny nose can be both chronic and acute form - it all depends on the nature of the disease. Typically, acute rhinitis is a frequent guest of the autumn and springtime. It was at this time a man frequently lurk various colds, whose constant companion is a runny nose.
But with chronic rhinitis, things are much more complicated. And for such a cold different from the acute form. And very often to get rid of chronic rhinitis doctors suggest surgery. However, in the first and in the other case it is possible to try the alternative. If you have a runny nose, treatment of folk remedies can be a great way to get rid of it as soon as possible.
And it does not matter what the nature of the origin of the common cold -bakterialnaya whether or infectious. The only thing you need to pay attention - this is on the cases of allergic diseases, which are accompanied by a runny nose. Herbal remedies can cause more allergy. Therefore, before using this or any other means, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the components.
Acute forms of the common cold
Infectious rhinitis, familiar to all people without exception, begins quite sharply - swells the nasal mucosa begins to produce large amounts of mucous secretion. In that case, if a person is, the liquid can flow into the tube into the ear, or throat. Typically, the liquid is very liquid and colorless. In the event that the cause of the common cold is a viral infection, runny nose, it runs on the fifth - the seventh day.
In the event that the cause of the common cold is a bacterial infection, the picture is quite different. Nasal discharge is very thick, mucopurulent or purulent. The temperature of a person rises very, very much. He may experience a severe headache and pain in the paranasal sinuses. The general condition of the body is also very much affected.
Acute allergic rhinitis is characterized by severe swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses. A sick person may experience itching, watery eyes and strong, even in severe cases photophobia. Feeling the itch can also be felt in the throat and nose. A nasal discharge liquid and transparent, as in the case of viral origin of the common cold. Allergic rhinitis begins abruptly, immediately after contact with the allergen. However, in fairness it should be noted that after the elimination of allergies and runny nose disappear just as suddenly.
Chronic forms of the common cold
Infectious rhinitis, which is characteristic for a chronic course, manifested a permanent swelling of the mucous membranes and mucous secretions from the nose. Nasal congestion often occurs at night, at a fixed position. Also aggravation may occur during overcooling of the body, inhalation of dust or haze pollution.
In the event that there is a chronic form of hypertrophic rhinitis, in a human patient there is a strong growth of connective tissue in the sinuses. As a result, there is a strong narrowing of the nasal passages, which is why a large extent difficulty breathing. And due to the fact that the nasal mucosa is deposited more than the usual amount of dust and pathogenic microflora, inflammation occur more frequently.
Such a pathological condition of the mucous membranes of the nose leads to the fact that the person is reduced as the smell and taste sensitivity recipes. And the voice of a man muffled and nasal. The extent of these changes depends on the degree of change in the state of the nasal mucosa.
In severe cases where there is atrophic rhinitis, there is a strong thinning of the nasal mucous membranes. Discharges in this case, very thick, forming a crust when drying. The sense of smell is practically completely absent, and with the sense of taste is almost the same situation.
Treatment of the common cold methods of traditional medicine
Runny nose - it's not such a harmless phenomenon, as we are accustomed to thinking. Yes, and independently determine what type of a cold caught you in each case, it is not so simple. Therefore, in any case, the sick person should be examined by a doctor. It is first necessary to determine the cause of a runny nose. And thoroughly implement all the recommendations of the appointment and your doctor.
But do not ignore the treatment of the common cold improvised means. Often the recipes of traditional medicine to help get rid of the common cold in no time. But do not forget that traditional recipes should not replace the main treatment that you appointed doctor. And be careful that in your selected recipes did not have those components for which you have an allergic reaction.
Chop one onion large size, preferably on a wooden board. Spread evenly bow, is inclined so that the distance between the face and the board was approximately 10 centimeters. Deeply inhale nose pair onions for about three minutes. Then gently stir the onions and repeat the entire procedure. Do not forget to close your eyes, or tears are guaranteed. This procedure should be carried out at least three times a day, up to the recovery.
In that case, if the nose is stuffed up very strongly, you should do a little different. Clean small onion, cut off a quarter of the carefully and slowly chew. It is important that at this time you made uniform deep breaths. Swallow onions, of course, optional. In this case, inhalation of vapors produced inside the bow, which makes it much more efficient.
Mince one leaf aloe, then using gauze cloth squeeze the juice. Mix it with ½ teaspoon of any liquid honey and leave for several hours. This means you need to bury your nose in one drop three times a day. Treatment should be carried out until they are cured.
- Juice of viburnum berries
In the case of viral infection caused by a rhinitis, cranberry juice helps at times to accelerate the healing process. In Viburnum berries contain a huge number of different biologically active substances and, of course, vitamin C, which is simply irreplaceable for colds and viral diseases.
You will need 10 Viburnum berries: grind them and squeeze out the juice. Divide it into two equal parts and drip into the nose, good throwing his head back. Drip nose cranberry juice must be at least 4 times per day. And please note - you must squeeze the juice immediately before use, not in advance.
- Tea from sage and chamomile
Place in an enamel bowl one tablespoon of dry inflorescences pharmacy chamomile and sage, pour one liter of boiling water. In the first three days of acute viral colds or drink this infusion as an ordinary tea - one glass every two hours. Typically, only two days to not only stopped the rhinitis, and general health at times improved.
For the preparation of the tools you'll need a half cup onion peel and a liter of water. Place the onion peel in an enamel bowl, cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes. Then cool and strain it thoroughly using a gauze cloth. Dissolve in the resulting broth a tablespoon of salt.
Purchase at the pharmacy 10ml disposable syringe. Nasal lavage is performed as follows: type syringe full of broth, after removing the needle from it. Slightly zaprokinte head back and very smoothly, not under the pressure, in turn, both flush the nasal passage. Washing should be carried out every two hours in the acute form of the disease. In the case with chronic rhinitis enough than once a day, at bedtime.
A very effective tool for all types of rhinitis is a common potato juice. Thoroughly wash and clean the potato tuber is a small one. Rub it on a fine grater and squeeze the juice with the help of gauze fabric. Enter full dropper, tilt your head to the side and drip juice. A minute later, repeat the same with the other nostril. Such irrigation is necessary to carry out at least three times a day until complete recovery.
In that case, if you know exactly what the cause of the common cold is an acute viral infection, try the following recipe. Clean one large clove of garlic and garlic press with the help of how to chop it. Mix the resulting mush garlic with a glass of any refined sunflower oil. Let sit for two hours and strain. Get the funds you need to bury your nose in every hour, until the complete disappearance of the common cold.
Typically, the condition improves in 4 hours. By the way, note - this tool can not be used for the treatment of a child under 10 years. Despite the fact that the oil substantially neutralizes corrosive vapors garlic, children burn likely to develop nasal mucous membranes.
In that case, if a person suffers from a chronic runny nose, he should resort to using sea buckthorn oil. Grind two tablespoons of sea buckthorn berries and pour a glass of refined oil. In a water bath, stirring occasionally, bring the butter to a boil. Be part of it brew for a day, then strain it with the help of gauze fabric. Obtain funds necessary to dig the nose twice a day, morning and before bedtime.
In that case, if a person has a chronic runny nose, it is worth to try the following recipe. Grind a tablespoon of oak bark, pour 0, 5 liters of water and simmer for one hour. Tightly cover and wrap the pot with a towel. Let sit for three hours, then strain it with the help of gauze fabric.
The resulting broth oak must be instilled into the nasal passages every four hours. The treatment should be continued for one month, after which you must make a two-week break. Useful properties of oak bark relieves inflammation. Moreover, oak bark has a strong astringent properties.
Treatment of the common cold in children
Treatment of the common cold in children folk remedies is also possible, but only if the child is three years old. For them there is a special, more forgiving, recipes. However, remember that before their use is absolutely necessary to consult a pediatrician. And be careful that the child did not have allergic reactions to any component of the national means of a cold.
In that case, if the runny nose in a child is accompanied by the release mucus secretion or watery, it will effectively beet juice. Press teaspoon juice drip into each nostril two or three drops. Beet juice does not cause any discomfort, so children usually do not protest.
Bury beet juice is necessary every four hours during the first day of the disease. The second and third day of the disease must be instilled into the nose three times a day. For older children, besides instillation beet juice, can be used gauze pads. Form of gauze bandage or small swabs of suitable size, generously spray of beet juice and enter the nasal passages. Leave the pads for about 30 minutes. A similar procedure is recommended before going to sleep for three days.
In that case, if the child has a runny nose thick and viscous, it is possible to resort to nasal lavage solution juice beet juice. To make it, you'll need a bottle of sea water for flushing of the nose, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Clean the two large beets, grate them on the grater and squeeze the juice. Mix it with sea water, and place in a glass bowl. Irrigate the nose must be using a disposable syringe, twice a day - morning and before bedtime.
In that case, if the runny nose is combined with adenoids, traditional medicine offers treatment juice red beet and honey. To prepare the treatment solution, mix together one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of red beet juice. The resulting solution should be instilled into the nose every hour for the first day of the disease.
Note that this recipe can be used only if the parents know for sure is that their baby had never been cases of allergic reactions to bee products. And if the child until the disease has never tasted the honey, the recipe used is also not recommended.
Another very effective in helping to get rid of the common cold and perfectly safe for a child is a salt. For this fit both marine and common salt. Heat salt on a dry frying pan to a temperature that can withstand the baby's skin.
Prepare in advance a small linen bag, and where necessary to pour the heated salt. Close the bag and push the nose of the child 10 - 15 minutes. This procedure should be carried out every three hours on the first day, in the morning and in the evening - in the second and subsequent.
At about the same and has a warming effect by means of an ordinary hen's egg. Boil hard boiled it, wrap a towel and apply to the baby's nose for about 10 minutes. Repeat this action is necessary every three hours. Be careful not to burn the skin of the child.
A great tool for rinsing the nose with a cold can become buckwheat water. Preparing it as follows: using a grinder grind three tablespoons of buckwheat flour to the state. Dissolve the buckwheat flour in 100 grams of boiling water, let stand for an hour and strain.
This buckwheat should be washed with water spout baby every two hours, until the complete disappearance of the common cold. This tool is completely safe and has no contraindications. And it eliminates the common cold is really effective.
Preventing the common cold
There are a few simple rules that would greatly reduce the likelihood of developing a cold. Do not ignore them, because warn disease is always much easier than cure.
The first thing that you should pay particularly close attention - is the air in the living room. Air in any case should not be dry. As often as possible ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. During the heating season, it is desirable to use special air humidifiers. In the event that you can not buy a humidifier, you can use the old-fashioned way. Put a small battery capacity of water that needs to be topped up as evaporation. At night you can put on the battery wet towel.
Try to avoid close and prolonged contact with irritants. These substances include household and industrial dust, corrosive chemicals, including household chemicals, construction mixtures. In that case avoid contact with irritating substances is not possible, be sure to use personal protective equipment - gloves and a respirator.
Try to avoid sudden hypothermia. Dress is always the weather, even if you just need to get to the next door, or go to the balcony to hang clothes. Watch and Food - do not drink too cold drinks, ice cream do not overdo it.
In that case, if you often suffer from allergic rhinitis, try to avoid contact with allergens. In the event that completely exclude this contact is not possible, the sick person should take antihistamines. By the way, all the allergy medications must also appoint a doctor, allergist. Otherwise, the result can be the opposite.
In order to avoid the most unpleasant forms of rhinitis - a chronic, you need time to look at the coryza.