umbilical hernia in children

Inguinal, umbilical hernia in children, the treatment - these terms are very familiar to many parents. Quite often parents of young children and not hear from the children's surgeon that their child has a hernia. Of course, parents are scared and upset, having learned about it. They conjure the worst picture. That's only worth so panic? Of course, in this disease, as well as in any other, there is nothing good. However, the presence of a child's hernia is not a reason to panic and despair. Modern medicine quickly and effectively cope with the most severe forms of hernia, and pretty soon your baby will forget that it is something disturbing. Hernia in children under one year removed almost without a trace.

First we need to know what is a hernia. At its core, the hernia - a protrusion through the peritoneal wall under the skin of various internal organs, often the intestine. The main symptoms of the presence of a child's hernia is a protrusion on the site of swelling and discomfort when you touch this place. The boys often inguinal hernias, and the girls - umbilical. However, sometimes vice versa.

Hernias are different types, but they all have similar characteristics. Below is described in more detail the main types of hernias:

Abdominal Hernia

All are called abdominal abdominal hernia at which the protrusion of the internal organs is through the abdominal wall. This type of hernia is the most common - according to statistics, every 10th child in Russia is suffering from this disease. In this article we will talk about the most common hernia in children:

  • Umbilical hernia

Around the umbilical hernia in children goes a lot of variety of rumors and speculation as truthful and deeply flawed. Someone strongly believes that the umbilical hernia can be eliminated by applying coins, charms, and someone - a supporter of radical methods such as surgery. The purpose of this material - to help parents understand the disease and to take the right decision.

Most often, umbilical hernia occurs in newborn babies in the first few months. Parents should closely monitor the condition of the abdomen immediately after the crumbs falling away Cord - at this time and there is a protrusion at the navel, which is fairly easy to reduce a interior without surgery if it was just seen.

So what is the value of a hernia, it depends entirely on how big the baby umbilical ring. Umbilical ring doctors call the muscle that encircles the stomach remains. After birth, the umbilical cord is cut and the baby ring is compressed, because the child has no need for an umbilical cord. That is the case in the possession of this ringlet gets any - any internal organ, we can talk about the umbilical hernia.

The severity of the disease is 100% dependent on the size of the hernia. If the hernia is small in size, it can manifest itself only when a pipsqueak cries or shows other concerns - grunting, straining the muscles of the abdomen. An experienced doctor - a pediatrician can clearly establish the size of the umbilical ring and its boundaries. For this, he probes the stomach at the navel, which also allows, in addition to the size of the umbilical ring, set the location of the edge of the hernial ring. The area surrounding the protrusion of the hernia hernial ring is called the edge.

In that case, if the size of the umbilical ring crumbs are large enough, and accordingly, the size of the hernia is also considerable, its manifestations are somewhat different. Swelling is visible constantly, the child shows anxiety. A child with a voltage hernia takes quite scary appearance, bulging and swelled considerably.

Usually, the doctor - a pediatrician sees the presence of crumbs hernia in the first weeks during routine inspections. However, parents should be more attention, as if the small size of the hernia, and the child during the examination does not show the slightest sign of trouble, the doctor may not notice a problem. The parents of the same clock watching their crumbs, more opportunities to notice a problem.

Umbilical hernia in children has symptoms very specific and difficult to confuse with anything - else. Symptoms of an umbilical hernia in children will distinguish without difficulty, even people who have no medical training.

Early diagnosis is extremely important, as an umbilical hernia is an unpleasant tendency - increase over time. Therefore, the earlier the disease is detected, the more successful the treatment will be and the faster will be able to get rid of the hernia, causing the baby as little as possible inconvenience.

Parents whose kids suffer from an umbilical hernia, always worried about something, what are the causes of umbilical hernia. The following question is this:

  • Heredity

The most common cause of umbilical hernia is a genetic predisposition to the crumbs weak muscles of the front wall of the peritoneum. In that case, if mom or dad's childhood was an umbilical hernia, their babies are more likely to develop this complication in about 70% of cases. Sometimes, however, this rule may not operate.

  • Anatomical muscle weakness

Often among parents spread misconception that the cause of umbilical hernia in children can be properly trimmed the umbilical cord. But in fact, the size of the umbilical ring does not depend on how it was cut the umbilical cord and was imposed as the umbilical bracket. The emergence of an umbilical hernia occurs when a child is present anatomical muscle weakness near the umbilical ring.

As a rule, umbilical hernia occurs most often infringement of intestinal loops. Flexing hernia is very easy to retract at the slightest pressure on him. And if the umbilical ring is very large, the naked eye can observe the work of the intestine - is visible to all of its peristalsis: muscle contraction and promotion of food on it. Of course, many parents, seeing the whole picture, very scared. Of course, it is not a sight for the faint hearted people, but believe me - it does not give the kid any concern or inconvenience.

As mentioned above, most often diagnosed "an umbilical hernia" is the first time your child puts a pediatrician. But the kid is absolutely necessary to get an opinion of children's surgeon, who will decide what will be the further treatment - conservative or still need surgery. Also, it is the surgeon must give parents advice on caring for babies with umbilical hernia.

As a rule, very rarely surgeon decides about the necessity of surgical intervention into the body of a young child. The peculiarity of the child's body is such that the umbilical hernia in children are more inclined to self-healing. Doctors often observed healing umbilical hernias in large sizes as the umbilical ring and the protrusion of the hernia.

Many parents, having heard various horror stories, panic fear of infringement of an umbilical hernia. However, in practice and according to doctors, infringement of an umbilical hernia occurs so rarely that this threat can not be ignored. But, nevertheless, the same pediatricians recognize the fact that babies suffering from umbilical hernia, largely restless than their healthy peers. And besides, these kids are extremely meteodependent - they are very responsive to changes weather.

Parents should be aware that the presence of umbilical hernia in no way does not bring any crumbs pain. But, nevertheless, some discomfort pipsqueak still experiencing. It is caused by the fact that the presence of umbilical hernia often leads to frequent bloating the crumbs. That is what is worrying the baby.

 inguinal hernia in children

Treatment of umbilical hernia

We have already mentioned that. What is umbilical hernia in young children often recover completely on their own, without any - any outside interference. However, doctors recommend a number of measures to enhance the healing process of umbilical hernia. Proper treatment can be fully eliminated even large umbilical hernia in 6 months.

For children who suffer from an umbilical hernia, it is useful to be putting some on his tummy. Such a measure is more relevant than during treatment with existing umbilical hernia, and for the prevention of its occurrence. This simple measure is able to greatly facilitate the condition remains.

Doctors - surgeons recommend that parents put crumbs on his tummy for about 15 - 20 minutes before feeding, at least 3 - 4 times a day. It is not necessary to spread the crumbs on his tummy on the bed or couch. Optimally suited for this purpose, any smooth and, above all, a solid surface - such as a table. Covered with diaper changing table or else.

Through this procedure, in any case, do not forget about elementary safety - not for a minute do not leave crumbs alone, even in the event. If he's still very young and did not know how to roll your own. Children's doctors - trauma can not tell a dozen stories about his young patients who. Not knowing how else to turn, how - that mysteriously appeared on the floor, it was worth their mother for a moment to look away.

At the time when the baby is lying on his tummy, no harm will be holding a light massage handles, legs and back. It is not necessary to make special efforts, just gently stroking the crumbs on the hands and feet, lightly pressing them. The duration of the massage should coincide with the length of putting some baby on his tummy. Typically, this procedure is very like almost everyone, without exception, kiddies.

The next most popular and effective method of treatment and prevention of umbilical hernia in children is a tummy massage crumbs. Despite the fact that the children's clinic massage conducted by a physician or surgeon pediatrician, is carried out only after the child turns two months at home, parents can begin to massage much earlier. In principle, you can start doing immediately after the baby is completely healed umbilical wound.

Doing massage the smallest crumbs, parents should exercise extreme caution and carefulness - inadmissible an effort and push the crumbs on his tummy. So crumbs enough light stroking tummy clockwise from lower left abdomen, towards the right. This stimulates the muscles in a certain way, so it is very important to observe the sequence and direction. Stroking it is not necessary to carry out only the fingers - a much better use for this purpose the entire inner surface of the palm.

Kids older is very useful massage, have received medical comic name «I love U». It is held in the following way - after putting some crumbs on his tummy mentally imagine painted on his tummy big letter U. That's actually looks intestine crumbs. Liberally grease the skin of the abdomen and your fingers for a better slip baby cream or oil. After that, with the push, but very gently begin to massage the abdomen. First, draw the left side of the abdomen kid letter «I» from top to bottom two - three times. Such movement helps move the gases present in the gut of the crumbs down beyond the colon.

After that, continue to draw the letter «L» in order to promote cross-section of GAZ cars along the rim intestine. Repeat this step at least three times. After this a few times to draw tum crumbs letter «U» to bring gas from the intestine.

Then start to draw a circle around all sorts of navel rings crumbs. This action should be given a sufficient amount of effort and attention. After all, as it has been mentioned above, because of the weakness and the insufficient development of the anterior abdominal wall muscles and the formation occurs too wide umbilical ring and, consequently, the formation of an umbilical hernia.

Most important to strengthen the rectus abdominis crumbs. Direct muscles are those that are located on either side of the umbilical ring and close a virtually all abdominal wall baby.

To strengthen these muscles massage therapists recommend the following. Large and middle fingers should be placed at a distance of one centimeter on the right and left side of the child's umbilical ring. Fingers very carefully, without causing discomfort to the kid, you need to produce ten clicks, and then just pat the baby's tummy and then repeat pressing. In just one time, you need to make about five such cycles. If massage is not to prevent and to treat existing crumbs hernia, at the end of massage is necessary to repeatedly push the protrusion of the umbilical hernia in baby's tummy.

As mentioned above, you need to massage every time after putting some baby on his tummy, but you can spend a bit more often, if the massage is like the kid. During the massage, try to follow a few simple, simple rules:

  • Always before the massage and shaved short fingernails and remove all jewelry, to avoid injury to the skin remains.
  • Make sure that your hands are clean before a massage, dry and warm.
  • While putting some crumbs on his tummy massage and care should be taken so that the room temperature was not below 22 degrees, otherwise the baby can be capricious, and even catch a cold.
  • All the time you are doing your child a massage, closely watch the response of the baby - at the first sign of displeasure crumbs try to change the rhythm of massage movements, the intensity of the effort. If this measure does not bring the expected results, and the child will continue to be capricious, massage should be stopped until the next time.
  • In no event it is impossible to massage your baby in the event that there is even the slightest signs of by- it may ailments.

Another effective method of conservative treatment of children's umbilical hernia - a dressing of plaster. However, parents should be aware that such treatment is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. That he has to show how to apply this bandage. However, most doctors prefer to self-impose a medical bandage. And, by and large, this is a very sensible decision - after all the wrong dressing can only worsen the condition of the child.

For the treatment of umbilical hernia, various specially designed for this purpose patches, which can be bought either at the pharmacy or in a children's store. Before buying these plasters, pre ask your doctor what type of plaster is preferable to use in your particular case.

The doctor has the right protrusion of the hernia inside, and rectus abdominal wall will connect directly over the umbilical ring, in the form of two folds, which are fixed with an adhesive plaster. The bandage is crumbs for ten days, after which the doctor removed. The doctor evaluates the status of umbilical hernia - if closed in the umbilical ring. In that case, if it is not closed in, a bandage is applied for another ten days. As a rule, after three rate bandaging for 10 days.

Some surgeons prefer to apply sticking plaster around the tummy is not the crumbs, but directly to the umbilical region into two - three weeks without forming a fold. The patch should be changed every few days, without removing the bandage while bathing. With this method of laying plaster parents can own, without the help of a surgeon. In that case, if you decide to resort to this method of treatment, you need to buy a hypoallergenic adhesive tape. Application of ordinary plaster often causes severe irritation of the skin at the crumbs.

In the same case, if all the above conservative treatment methods have been ineffective, and an umbilical hernia is stored in the child, and after one year, the pediatrician and the surgeon decide on the feasibility of surgery to remove an umbilical hernia. In the event that such a decision concerns your child, and do not be afraid to abandon this - surgery to remove an umbilical hernia is very simple and very well developed. During the operation, surgeons do not affect any internal organs crumbs, only the muscular layer and skin. If the indication for intervention - an umbilical hernia in children, the operation does not pose any threat to the health of the baby.

Disease prevention

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