Useful sweets


  • What explains the craving for sweets?
  • The most useful sweets
  • Useful sweets at home - it's just

Do all the sweets equally harmful for the figure or there are also useful? And why do people feel the need sugar? Can we do without your favorite chocolates and chocolate, and whether to deny yourself the pleasure to eat sweetly? Answers to these and other issues of concern to the fair sex is particularly strong before the onset of the holiday season, you will find in this article.

First, let's try to understand why it is sometimes so difficult to overcome suddenly arose the desire to eat sweets or chocolate. Have you noticed that it happens mostly after the so-called "brainstorming" at work or school, after strong pressure in the gym and during the "critical days"? In addition, the craving for sweets - a constant companion of emotionally disturbed women whose nervous system is in a state of "on edge." And the most intense desire to eat chocolate, cake or cake calorie experienced by those of us who sit on a rigid diet. With what linked these moments?

What explains the craving for sweets?

All the matter in a specific unit of the human body. Work in our central nervous system depends on glucose. Mental work and stressful situations make constantly replenish its reserves. Muscles, who are physically active, eat well glucose. A craving for sweets during menstruation is often caused by a deficiency of chromium and other nutrients. In principle, we are "spoiled" his body, biting a sweet, rather than adhere to the principles of regular nutrition.

So, ignoring the breakfast, we come to work and immediately begin to seize hunger calorie biscuits. A familiar story? Thus we facilitate your body to obtain the necessary for its normal life of glucose. After all, to remove it from sugar, it is not necessary to spend a lot of effort, so the promise of the brain "Eat something! "We respond, swallowing candy. After all, why go the hard way, splitting the "complex" carbohydrates are oatmeal, where you can quickly obtain the necessary of a chocolate bar or a muffin?

If you have come to the conclusion that the craving for sweets is detrimental to your body shape, it's time to do self-education. Notice how and what you eat. No, we are not talking about the right to sit on a rigid diet. So you will only reinforce body's need for sweets, and after two or three days of frustrating restrictions come when refrain from sweets and cakes will be impossible. Just train yourself to start breakfast products containing "complex" carbohydrates, such as cereals. The maximum that you want to eat before dinner, so that's some fruit.

At noon, organize yourself a full meal, consisting of a piece of lean beef or turkey and a large portion of vegetable salad. Do not overdo it with the dinner, making up for lost time per day. To return home do not rush to the fridge an hour before the end of the day, eat a small serving of cottage cheese. Then hunger will not be able to prevail over the voice of reason, and not turn into a dinner overeating at night. "But what about the no sweet? It can not be used at all? "- Sorry asked many women and girls. Do not worry, because there are so-called useful sweetness. And, although they get involved immensely too, should not, for the figure they represent a much smaller threat.

 sweets helpful

The most useful sweets

That word - treat - already contains the answer to the question of how many sugary foods can be eaten without risk purchase overweight. If we turn to the dictionary, the feast - is enjoying something delicious. Please note, it is to enjoy and not to overeat! That is to enjoy a little piece of cake or a couple of cookies, not eat more than half and could hardly get up from the table. So what can be savored without harm to the figures? And what sweet useful for our body?

If you ask a few people what candy, in their opinion, the most delicious, in most cases, the answer is - chocolate. This product is considered a leader in the presence of the protein, and the latter contains serotonin - a substance called "the hormone of happiness." Thanks to him many a favorite delicacy of the cocoa is a universal antidepressant.

How much you need to eat chocolate to relieve stress? This question is no single answer, because as you know, for each person has its own individual dose. There are many women who are before the onset of "critical days" daily eat 1-2, and then 2-4 chocolate bars, which translated is 200-400 grams or from 1,200 to 2,500 calories. Is it any wonder, where are the extra inches in the waist and guttering figure why?

But as it turned out, it did not look fat protein found in chocolate - to blame for cocoa butter, whose share is in this delicacy from 35 to 50%, as well as the carbohydrate calories from sugar. However, compared to other sweets, chocolate treat is the best yet because it does not contain cholesterol, long assimilated and so satisfying. And all this thanks to its basis - cocoa plant protein.

In addition, the chocolate contains many relevant and useful elements potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, lecithin, vitamin PP and B, that are necessary for the brain and memory. However, despite the beneficial properties of the day it is recommended to consume no more than 20-30 grams of product, which corresponds to a quarter or a third of stogrammovoy tiles. And choose dark chocolate, because it is less than the amount of calories, which means that it is safer for the figure.

The next place of our kind of ranking of useful sweets occupy dried fruits. These natural products containing vitamins, fiber, pectin, fructose, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, are the second utility after the chocolate. But at the same time dried fruits contain a lot of calories, so too carried away with dried apples, pears, dried apricots and prunes are also not recommended. Enough to eat per day to 30 grams of this delicacy to satisfy the daily needs of our body in a sweet.

By the way, the natural sugars in dried fruit not, it successfully replace fructose and glucose. Do you want to eat candy? Prepare it yourself of these healthy and nutritious foods. Take some stuff different dried fruits of those that you like the most, and fill them with water 10 minutes If your kit contains dates, remove the pits from them. Pass through a meat grinder and dried his hands, soaked with water, form the resulting mass of small balls. You can put inside every nut candy.

Roll sweet products in cocoa powder or low-fat cookie crumbs and refrigerate. If you selected dried fruits have a pronounced acidity, add a little honey refined mass. As you can see, to make the most useful chocolates in the world, you can easily, and with them you can enjoy the sweet without any harm to its own figures.

In third place ranking on the right is the most popular product of beekeeping - honey. In this natural and favorite treat many calories are the same as in sugar but it is much more valuable. Honey - is a mine of useful for the body of vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoids., But it is an allergen, so you should not overeat. Enough daily consume 1-2 teaspoons, and diabetes - and even less.

If you want to eat something tasty and harmless for the figure, eat a couple of pieces of fruit jelly instead of the usual candy. This product is made from fruits and berries: apples, plums, apricots, black currants. With this composition marmalade contains pectin, which beneficially affect the intestines, have the ability to remove toxins and even reduce the risk of cancer. Try to eat no more than 20-30 grams of goodies in his day, and learn to choose the right. Quality marmalade should contain pectin compounds, so before you buy, read the label. The same can be said about the marshmallows and marshmallow. Otherwise, instead of the benefits you get bad sugar calories, harmful for the figure.

 the most useful sweets

Useful sweets at home - it's just

In addition to the above-described process for the preparation of mineral candies, almost any hostess, in the presence of desire, imagination and skill of the droplets, will be able to indulge in homemade goodies and relatives. Especially children like them, because who, if not them, it should receive the most delicious and sweet at the same time useful? And if they are cooked caring mother, what could be better?

If you do not trust the quality of purchased fruit jellies, simply replace it with fruit jelly. The recipe for this delicacy is so simple that it can master even very young mistress. Suffice it to dissolve the gelatin and add it to any home juice following the dosage. Do not buy ready-made compositions of jelly with bright bags. Also sugars they contain harmful dyes can cause allergies. No less useful and jelly, which is brewed from water and fruit with the addition of starch. Sweeten this wonderful drink honey will help.

With jelly and gelatin, and you can cook low-calorie yogurt dessert. Take any berries or fruits, place them on ice-cream bowls and pour yogurt mixed with gelatin dissolved in water. Top with slices of frozen fruit jelly - a useful delicacy ready. At a certain skill on the same principle can be made and delicious low-calorie cake - Sweet dreams of slimming.

All of us in my childhood love ice cream. That incomparable creamy flavor is now a huge rarity. And ice cream is already quite different from the one that was once. Try to reproduce the masterpiece of the Soviet era in the home! However, he got quite nutritious, but as occasional treats is fine. In addition, many adults do not really favor the milk in its pure form, but by homemade ice cream you will be able to "feed" the body with calcium.

If you sit on a diet and avoid excess calories, an excellent alternative will sorbet. Grind in a blender all berries and fruits, pour the mass into molds and place in the freezer. Several hours later, stir and leave for final curing. This dessert not only will refresh on a hot day, but will saturate the body with vitamins.

Admit it, it's not time you walked past the shelves with confectionery in the supermarket, your hand is stretched to the transparent container with ready candied or as they are called, dried fruit. They are bright, have a pleasant flavor and seems even useful. But this is only at first glance. The brightness due to the presence of dyes, and smell - the addition of flavorings. Therefore, the use of such products - zero.

Remember that the most delicious and healthy candied - those who know how to prepare our grandmothers. Fruits and berries must be boiled in sweet syrup, cool and dry. Of course, a lot of sugar in them, but there is also a large amount of fiber, which improves digestion. You do not want to gain extra weight? Eat 30 grams of candied home a day and you will bring benefits to the body without harm to the figures.

In conclusion, I must say a few words about the harmful sweets. This is primarily sugar. It does not contain a single vitamin, it has no protein and minerals. Sugar is 100% composed of carbohydrate calories and is a pure glucose. The popular cola drink does not contain anything useful, and it damages the structure of the teeth and stomach. Without exception, ready cakes, even "low-calorie" can not do without trans-fats, which are dangerous not only for the figure, but also for health.

Are you willing to risk their well-being for the sake of fleeting pleasure? Instead, eat a portion of useful and healthy food that contains carbohydrates and proteins than absorb the extra calories, which in the end, may adversely affect our health. In addition, they increase the risk of developing diabetes. To always keep fit and not afraid of the figure, follow simple rules: sweet, including fruit, to eat in the morning, up to 15-16 hours; treats can be eaten after the main course, but in any case not replace them.

Sweet tooth certainly useful and little tricks that help reduce the consumption of sugar-containing products. Put your favorite chocolate in the freezer, then eat, rather gnaw it in small pieces. Cut a piece of candy to 8-16 parts and slowly Enjoy every moment. Add in the food and drinks cinnamon or vanilla. These spices tend to reduce cravings for sweets. Eat consciously, so you do not suffer guilt. Generously treated favorite treats colleagues, friends, relatives and loved ones.

 Useful sweets pleasure without compromising figures

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