- Drug stimulation of cervical ripening
- Preparation of the cervix at home
- Recipes of traditional medicine
Any pregnant woman expecting a birth eagerly and some apprehension. This is not surprising. After all, without exception, expectant mothers want the appearance of a baby born passed without any untoward incidents and complications. Did you know that the successful outcome of the delivery depends not only the how of qualified medical staff and equipped maternity ward, but also on the individual characteristics of each woman. Yes, and how prepared for the birth of the child she future mom.
Among the rest is not the last place is occupied and the preparation of the cervix for childbirth, conducted in the last months of pregnancy. And it is not only about the preparation of the cervix, which is prescribed by medical doctors in the event that it is not ready to leave to 38 weeks of pregnancy. It is important and necessary self-prevention training, which allows to avoid possible ruptures of the cervix during labor. We'll tell you about both types of training, but remember that the use of any drugs to prepare the uterus for childbirth without medical prescription is simply unacceptable.
Drug stimulation of cervical ripening
As a rule, doctors believe normal cervical ripening by about 38 weeks of pregnancy. And if by this time the uterus is immature - there is even a gynecology in particular, the term "oak" - a gynecologist can decide whether to hold a particular procedure, the purpose of which is to stimulate the start of the ripening process of the cervix. Today, for these purposes often use the following procedure:
- The use antispasmodic drugs
Sometimes the cervix is not ripen because of the excessive muscle tension. Therefore, very often two weeks before the expected date of childbirth woman different doctors prescribe antispasmodics - for example, no-silos or papaverine. The formulations may be administered both intramuscularly and in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. Which drug is required to you - to determine a doctor.
- The use of prostaglandins
In some cases, a woman may be appointed as an introduction to the cervical canal of various drugs, which include prostaglandins. They contribute significantly to the early ripening of the cervix. In some cases, the expectant mother can be shown as an introduction to the cervix kelp - but this procedure is carried out exclusively in a hospital.
Sometimes doctors dispense pharmacological agents - either by massaging the cervix or by stimulating the teats, or by means of acupuncture. The method is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the nature of the expectant mother during pregnancy.
Preparation of the cervix at home
Let's cover the subject a little bit wider and we'll talk about how you can prepare to leave not only the cervix, but the entire crotch. This will facilitate the process of birth: cut it in time and avoid possible ruptures of the perineum. Such training is required from the woman too much time and effort. But, nevertheless, the result exceeds all expectations - observation obstetricians suggest that women who carried out this training, a variety of complications are 60% less likely than those who neglected them.
I'm sure many expectant mothers have heard about this comic concept as "muzheterapiya." And in fact - many gynecologists recommend the 4 weeks prior to childbirth begin to have sex regularly. And pay special attention - without using a condom. Sex in this case, is the best and effective way to prepare the body for childbirth expectant mother.
And all of this is explained very simply - frictions are a good massage that prepares the vaginal wall to a significant stretch during childbirth. During orgasm occurs workout muscle wall of the uterus and its neck. Incidentally, the orgasm may be the trigger for the onset of labor - a kind of natural stimulation.
Although, in fairness, it should be noted that this will happen only if both the mother's body, the baby's body is physiologically ready to leave. Therefore, until the last months of pregnancy can also engage in sex. Of course, if there is no danger of premature birth. Not in vain, in some cases, complicated pregnancy, doctors impose a strict prohibition of sexual life. A lighter - require the use of condoms, that prevent ingress of sperm to the cervix and, therefore, prevent its premature ripening.
Pay attention to another important point - do not need to use condoms. Semen contains a huge amount of natural hormone prostaglandin. Remember, we learned that this hormone is responsible for the maturation of the cervix? That is why it is so important to sexual intercourse ejaculation ended precisely in the woman's vagina. However, it goes without saying that a man should be completely healthy - infection woman preparing to become a mother, completely useless. We hope that in your family such a question can not stand, but still it must be remembered.
Often, many of the future pope, heard from his wife such a proposal, very scared. And this fear is completely natural - they are simply afraid to harm the woman and baby. Therefore, be sure to talk with her husband, explain that the subject elementary caution and proper selection of poses harm will be absolutely no. But the benefit is very difficult to overestimate.
Furthermore, to prepare the uterus for childbirth recommended evening primrose oil. You can purchase it at almost any pharmacy, without a prescription. Starting with 36 weeks the expectant mother should drink one capsule a day - but not anymore! And since 38 weeks - two capsules.
Take the capsules must be half an hour before meals with plenty of water. The action of the drug is based on the fact that extremely primrose oil rich in fatty acids. A fatty acid, in turn, provoke a very intensive production of prostaglandin, which ensures the timely cervical ripening. However, remember that before using this tool, be sure to consult a gynecologist.
Another tool that is used to prepare the cervix for decades - is to eat oily fish. The principle of operation of this board is the same - fish contains a large amount of fatty acids that stimulate the production of prostaglandin and, therefore, the ripening of the cervix.
Careful and gentle nipple stimulation is also very effective in helping to ripen the cervix in a timely manner. The main thing you need to remember - this is the need to be careful. All movements should be smooth and neat. It is advisable to use baby oil massage. Massage the nipples should be carried out two or three times a day, starting at 38 weeks of pregnancy.
Duration of massage - at least 5 minutes but no more than 10. By the way, can bring to this process dad - surely he will not refuse to help you. As a result, nipple stimulation produces the hormone oxytocin, which is also required for cervical ripening and early onset of labor.
Recipes of traditional medicine
In folk medicine, there is also a few recipes with which to leave cook for our great-grandmothers. And these recipes really work, if done correctly. However, the expectant mother in any case should not forget that before using any of these recipes are sure to consult with your doctor - a gynecologist. And only after obtaining approval can try. And, of course, only if you do not have the propensity to allergic reactions to any component of the recipe.
- A decoction of the leaves of raspberry
To prepare the broth of raspberries, you will need one tablespoon of dried leaves, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Or two tablespoons of fresh raspberry leaf, if it happens in the summer. Raspberry leaves chop and place in an enamel bowl, fill with one liter of water and bring to a boil.
Cover the pan with a lid and leave to infuse for at least two hours. After that, with the help of gauze fabric is necessary to drain the broth. Take it should be 100 grams before each meal. To begin the application broth can be from 38 weeks of pregnancy, not before. And keep taking raspberry leaf decoction is necessary up to the birth.
Infusion of rose hips - it's all a real find for the expectant mother. Firstly, in the dog-rose contains a huge amount of a variety of vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the body of both the woman and the child. In addition, some substances contained in the dog-rose, the most beautiful way preparing the uterus for the upcoming birth.
Prepare infusion is simple - put in an enamel bowl 150 grams of dried rose hips, pour one liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for two hours. Thereafter, when the berries swell, filter using gauze cloth. Take the broth must be 200 grams, on an empty stomach before breakfast, starting at 36 weeks of pregnancy.
Hawthorn tincture will not only help prepare the cervix for the upcoming birth, but also help sleep at night harder. After superficial and restless sleep in the last month of pregnancy - is a very common problem of almost all new moms. Hawthorn tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is assumed as follows: - 2 drops per 10 kg of body weight of a pregnant woman. Before use, the infusion should be dissolved in water. The resulting solution should drink an hour before breakfast and dinner. Admission should begin two weeks before the expected date of delivery.
No less useful and a decoction of strawberry. Strictly speaking, this decoction is none other than the most common strawberry compote. The only difference is that in this compote is necessary to add a little strawberry leaves and eliminate sugar. 100 grams of fresh fruit and two tablespoons of crushed strawberry leaves put in an enamel bowl, pour a liter of water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for an hour. Then strain the broth. In the event that you are not allergic to bee products, you can add a little honey. At night you need to drink at least a liter of this broth instead of tea. Begin to make the broth is approximately 37 - 38 weeks of pregnancy.
As you can see, means of preparing the uterus for childbirth is not so much. Surely you will be able to choose the most suitable for you. However, as mentioned above, remember that no matter what method you choose, you should definitely consult a doctor.
By the way - do not forget that in some cases cervical ripening does not start for a week - two, just a few days before the onset of labor. So do not despair if, if, despite all your efforts, to ripen the cervix does not want. It is absolutely no evidence of that on their own and without any complications, you will not be able to give birth. In most cases, the nature is much more reasonable, and the baby is born without problems. The main thing that you need to in these troubled last days of waiting - a positive attitude and a good mood. Our team sincerely wish you a delivery!