Vera Brezhnev beauty secrets


  • Vera Brezhnev from the saleswoman in the market for a superstar
  • Secret number one: perfect skin
  • Secret number two: the right food
  • Tip number three: a daily exercise
  • Secret number four: makeup
  • Secret Number Five: hair care

Vera Brezhnev - one of the most beautiful stars of Russian show business. Slender, elegant blonde with perfect skin and sexy look is admired not only the male half of the population of our country, but also female. Who of us would like to have the same gorgeous, thick hair, long slender legs and graceful figure? Looking at it in videos, where she is dancing in a white bathing suit on the beach, it seems that her beauty is divine and that we, mere mortals, such perfection is not never reach.

However, all is not as lofty as it sounds. Its visual appeal - the result of daily work on yourself, fight the temptations and failures are small, but such harmful, "the joys of life." Unlike many of us, in his busy schedule she finds time for sports and skin care, and for the correct, balanced diet. Here is the beauty secrets of Vera Brezhnev - the girl alone has achieved universal acceptance and love.

Vera Brezhnev from the saleswoman in the market for a superstar

Once a student of the Faculty of Economics Vera Galushko (Brezhnev she became after being hit in the group Via Gra), has chosen the future specialty accounting, had no idea what awaits her popularity in the near future. A native of Dneprodzerzhinsk, she grew up in a poor family with three sisters, mom and dad with disabilities. In order to help the family financially, young Vera did not hesitate to look for jobs saleswoman at the market, and in the evening to wash the floors in a small cafe. In addition to its twenty years Galushko was a young mother, raising a young daughter. Her life was very hard, and money is desperately short.

Fate presented her with a gift in 2002. In her native Dnipridzerzhinsk a concert of popular group "Via Gra". Belief attending concerts of everything that took place in her city, happily went to the event. It was at that concert band member announced comic doubles competition, which Vera came without hesitation. When the main soloist Alena Vinnytsia asked contestants to sing something, then Galushko enthusiastically sang the hits of that time "The attempt number five," fun while dancing. Do not believe it, but to go on stage future star led the promised prize: a case of beer from a local producer and a cap with the logo of their company.

Cap it and have not given, but as a reward she got a much more enjoyable prize: the chance to become one of the participants of the famous band. The fact that the audience in the hall sat a modest producer of Konstantin Meladze, carefully observed the scene. He had long wanted to get rid of twenty-eight staff Alain Vinnytsia, does not fit the image of the young, crazy and sexy babes, that's just could not find a replacement. Seeing Faith, he realized that he had found what he was looking for. Very soon the young student received a proposal to send to the production center your pictures and recording voice, but Vera so wanted to get into the group that was in front of the eyes of the elder person Meladze.

Provincial Ukrainian woman with a strong accent, who can neither sing nor dance, set a condition: either for two months to learn it all over, or sent home in Dnipropetrovsk. The girl, who knows how to take not a single note, had hard times: the teachers for a long time do not can get her results. However, the desire to change their lives was so great that exactly two months later it made a deep impression on the producer mistrustful. So Galushko became Brezhnev, starting his way up from an ordinary student, haggling in the market for mega stars who adored by millions. Someone will say: lucky. But if luck is to blame?

In addition to the creative skills of aspiring singer had to learn a lot: it's caring for their appearance, and the art of makeup. What is the secret of beauty and attractiveness of Vera Brezhnev, one of the most beautiful women of show business? Let's face it.

 Beauty Secrets of Vera Brezhnev

Secret number one: perfect skin

The condition of their skin Belief pays a lot of attention. And how could it be otherwise, because the constant performances, concerts and interviews oblige it look fresh and well-groomed. But we responsible for youth and beauty in the first place? That's right, the perfect condition of the skin. Brezhnev listens carefully to the recommendations of your beautician and gives us the following tips for skin care:

  • There are the following skin types: normal - one to which we should aspire, dry, oily and combination. If you are the happy owner of a normal skin, all you need to do - keep it in good condition. If you have dry skin, you should know that its main enemy - is the lack of food, sun and cold. In the winter she needs extra protection, and in the summer - in creams containing SPF. Oily skin requires constant cleaning and treatment. For combination skin (most often dry cheeks and chin, oily T-zone) needed special care. In no case can not use the same cream for the whole face, because if you apply for oily skin dry chin, then soon you will have problems in the form of redness and blackheads.
  • It is important to regularly clean the skin, or else your pores clogged and will backfire in the form of acne. Normal and dry skin is best cleaned cosmetic milk, only on a cotton pad to apply it not: because you run the risk of stretch and traumatize the skin, it is not properly cleaned. It is best to apply lotion on your face with your fingers on the massage lines to it properly absorbed. And then rinse it with water or by means of a wet cotton pad. For oily skin when cleaning is better to use facial wash - it penetrates deep into the pores, and "pushes" all the dirt on the surface. After the foam, you can use lotion, causing it with a cotton pad on the face massage lines.
  • If getting up in the morning, you are unhappy with his own reflection in the mirror - wrinkled face and swelling of the upper and lower eyelids - then this problem can be solved by contrast washing. Splashed on the face alternately hot, then cold water. Edema of the eyelids helps manage the following method: Apply the cream on the skin, on top put a cotton pad soaked in warm water and lay down for about two or three minutes. When you rise, swelling will be gone.

In addition, Vera Brezhnev advises its spectator less nervous and more smiling. Stress is very bad for the skin, making it more dull and fallen. Do not live with the pain in my heart, try to solve their problems, then your skin will radiate youth and health for many, many years.

Secret number two: the right food

At the very beginning of his singing career Vera Brezhnev realized one simple truth: self-discipline, and labor can help anyone reach unimaginable heights. These same principles it adheres to the diet, abandoning the once favorite foods such as fried potatoes, mayonnaise and champagne. And even becoming a mega popular and famous, slender beauty does not allow himself to relax, and even sometimes try to forbidden foods.

Of course, the secret of her harmony not only in the absence of these three products in the diet. In addition to the above listed, Brezhnev never eats fatty, starchy foods and sweets. Moreover, she flatly refused any sauce at all, considering them harmful and heavy food for your stomach.

Each morning begins with breakfast star, it does not miss it during the tour or during vacation home. Every morning she eats a small portion of dairy products and porridge of any cereal. During the day, Brezhnev Eat protein foods - meat, fish or poultry. Sometimes in the afternoon she can afford some garnish (not potatoes - we have already mentioned). Well, desserts and our beauty does not eat at all, for the sweet and flour under her ban.

Being in good shape, Vera Brezhnev is an opponent of diets, because they are, in its view, all the time something is prohibited. His diet she considers a normal balanced diet, which is easy to adhere to, and even pleasant. Eating fractionally, she tries not to miss a single meal, otherwise there is a chance the next time to eat too much. Her last meal takes place no later than four hours before bedtime, and raw fruits and vegetables in this time she does not eat. Brezhnev believed that these foods are eaten at night, make her get up in the morning with "severe" stomach.

In order to foster self-discipline, Vera advises all girls and women writing down what they ate during the day. After all, sometimes we do not notice how much harmful and high-calorie foods we eat during the day. And even if we will have a buffet or a dinner party, you should pay careful attention to how many calories we consume at the table. The best way not to overeat at such events - is to eat at home before leaving, and at the festival restrict fish, salad without mayonnaise and a half portion of a light side dish. From drinks, and especially from sugary sodas and juices, Brezhnev advised and did not refuse.

 Vera Brezhnev beauty secrets

Tip number three: a daily exercise

As if you did not strictly adhere to proper nutrition, and without sport, according to Vera, beauty and harmony of the body you will not achieve. Brezhnev herself to exercise every day, devoting classes no less than forty-five minutes a day. By sharing their recipes of beauty, it is absolutely suggested to all the girls who want to lose weight and make the body taut appearance, go to the gym or play sports at home, alone.

For beginners athletes Brezhnev advises primarily pay attention to the major muscle groups - the press, back, legs and buttocks. And then move on to the arms, shoulders, legs and so on. In short, the need to move from the center to the periphery - then your body will develop evenly and will gain a slender, smart look. And you should not go into alone exercise power, or, on the contrary, in the cardio. Best of all, according to the singer, and then to combine both alternately.

And do not say that you are a busy person and you do not have time to exercise. Start with a morning exercise - so you will not only wake up but also get positive energy for the whole day. It does not matter what time of day you decide to work out - most importantly, to do it on a daily basis. Let it first be five minutes a day, then ten, fifteen. After a very short time, you can not imagine your life without exercise, and your waist and the press will be much more slender and fit.

Secret number four: makeup

A good make-up - the key to the attractiveness and sexuality of every woman. Vera Brezhnev very responsible attitude to the rules applying make-apa and gives valuable advice to all the girls who want to look irresistible. The singer is constantly consults with his make-up artist and make recommendations, which in any case can not be done when applying makeup:

  1. Never apply makeup on untreated skin, it looks not only untidy, but also creates many problems for the health of the skin. If you do not have washed off the evening with a foundation in the morning, apply another layer, then cosmetics will fall unevenly, and the skin clogged and cease to breathe. As a result - a hideous complexion and sore point in the form of pimples.
  2. Inflicting makeup in the morning, do not forget about it during the day. As much as you may be busy, get fifteen minutes to touch up your make-up. Imagine afternoon your powder crumbles a little shadow on the eyes have become grubby strip, and the arrow on one eye at all erased. Worse still looks "eaten" lipstick on a morning when the layer is only rough, untidy outline. Pick up a mirror and make-up touch up. If you can not do this, it is best not to apply make-up at all.
  3. If you use a lip pencil, then do not choose a too dark shade, otherwise it will look a little vulgar. In an extreme case, as it should blend with your fingertips pencil line - so your lips will look more volume and natural.
  4. If you prefer lipstick bright colors before using it on your face, apply foundation. The fact that any bright spot draws attention to the face, and then clearly see all the small imperfections: pimples, red veins, pigmented spots. It is better to apply a thin tone concealer for your skin is not lost close to a bright accent.
  5. Beware use pearlescent shade in large quantities - it can do a disservice to you. First, this image gives a touch of vulgarity, and second - with an abundance of pearl in front of you look much older than his years.

Another valuable tip from Vera Brezhnev - less sad and often smiling. After all, even the most artfully applied makeup will not save you from wrinkles on the forehead and nose, as well as the ugly drooping corners of the lips. Therefore, a cheerful smile and a good mood, according to the singer, is a guarantee of great beauty and appeal of any woman ...

Secret Number Five: hair care

Vera Brezhnev - perhaps the most famous blonde in the domestic show business, would never have become the standard of beauty, if not cared for their hair. First of all, she never combing wet hair, giving them a chance to dry out and unravel. If the time for natural drying is not present, it enjoys a hairdryer in the cold mode. Before you begin to heat styling, Brezhnev certainly use the means of thermal protection for the hair.

We present our nourishing hair mask from Vera Brezhnev. It can be made at home, because all the ingredients are in each family at hand. So, we need a handful of cranberries, one egg, two tablespoons of buckwheat flour (you can do it yourself, grinding buckwheat in a coffee grinder) and a tablespoon of olive oil.

Mix all the ingredients and put on unwashed head along the entire length of hair. After that, we put on a plastic cap on his head and cover with a towel to create a dense thermal effect. After half an hour you can wash off the mask using shampoo for your hair type and balm-conditioner. This mask works wonders with hair: the first application will be your tresses shiny, smooth and well-groomed.

Being beautiful is not so easy as it seems. And in order to drive crazy millions of fans around the world - even more so. And yet, the secret of beauty Brezhnev - its self-discipline and a desire to reach new heights. We need to love yourself, to be present in every moment of his life, to smile, even if there are no special reasons for joy. But the main thing - to see it in all the good things and small flaws to be able to turn into advantages.

 Vera Brezhnev: beauty secrets

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