what better to take vitamins winter

Enduring Winter - a lot of stress to the body. We were overwhelmed by fatigue, laziness, sleepiness, bad mood, cling to one another various diseases. All these are sure signs of beriberi. Thus, for example, dryness, peeling, redness of the face and hands point to the lack of vitamins A, C, E and Group B. Dull hair color, hair loss, brittle nails indicate a lack of B vitamins and vitamin C, copper, magnesium, iron . Lack of vitamins B2, B3 and B6 causes frequent dermatitis, and long unhealed sores on the skin indicate a deficit of vitamins C, D, and K. How to live to the end of winter? It's very simple - to replenish stocks of vitamins! If you think that the plan of fortification of the body have already done for the fruit and berry summer, something very wrong. Our body can not, as the camel water, vitamins accumulate and store them for future use throughout the winter.

What vitamins are best taken in the winter? What to do - buy a vending packaging with synthetic "elixir of life" in the pharmacy, or go "live" vitamins in the store? In winter, this issue is particularly relevant, because the main cause of seasonal vitamin deficiency - malnutrition, it is an elementary lack of vitamins in food. It is no accident in the Third World and to this day there are diseases associated with vitamin deficiency - rickets, scurvy, beriberi (lame) and many others. However, from beriberi are not insured and the inhabitants of developed countries.

Vitamins on a plate

For our beauty and well-being responds normal metabolism, which is possible only when adequate intake of the whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Where do we get the vitamins in the winter? What you need to eat to be beautiful? Let's try to understand. To get started, try to adjust the menu.

According to statistics, in the winter the Russians often do not have enough vitamin C - ascorbic acid. We can say that is the most important vitamin. A powerful antioxidant, it plays an important role in metabolism, improves the immune system, forms the "happy hormones". To compensate for the lack of curative ascorbic acid, lean in the kiwifruit, oranges, chokeberry, tomatoes, bell peppers. Do not forget about the sauerkraut - because vitamin C in it is much more than in citrus!

Askorbinki In addition, in the winter we do not get enough B vitamins As a result, dry and cracked lips appear Zayed corners of the mouth, hair and nails become brittle, watery eyes. And yet - the person becomes irritable for no apparent reason in the family breaks down, suffering from insomnia. Add vitamins to help the body missing buckwheat, rice, peas, eggs, dairy products, kidneys, liver, heart, nuts, beets.

It became worse to see? You do not have enough vitamin A - retinol, which is responsible for visual acuity, but also strengthens the immune system, is involved in maintaining healthy hair and nails. His sources - milk, eggs, fish, carrots, parsley, fennel, sorrel, apricots.

All goes wrong, and the Abraham can not concentrate on anything? Time for you to stock up on vitamin E - tocopherol. Vitamin E - the most powerful natural antioxidant. It supports the immune system, protects cells against damage, slows down the formation of free radicals, improves the oxygen supply of the cells, helps to cope with high mental stress, protects the body from stress and nervous breakdowns. Tocopherol is found in spinach, cabbage, lettuce, beef liver, lean meat, eggs, vegetable oil.

And now - to the pharmacy!

Replenish your supply of vitamins and minerals we need on a daily basis .  But, unfortunately, only on the basis of a healthy diet make it very difficult .  Firstly, it is practically impossible to arrange the diet such diverse products .  Secondly, it is not certain at 100% in that the product remains useful substance after the delivery, long-term storage and heat treatment .  Requires additional intake of vitamin preparations .  Now they are sold in large numbers at any pharmacy without a prescription, but that does not mean that they must be taken in an uncontrolled .  It will be wiser if they pick up a doctor .  Ask your doctor what vitamins to take in the winter for you .  It is believed that the body has to receive 2/3 of vitamins to the "right" foods and just 1/3 to fill due to chemicals .  It is necessary to pay special attention to the content of vitamins in one tablet according to the daily requirement .  If a tablet contains a daily dose, you take this drug need only 1 time in 3 days .

 what vitamins to take in winter

The beauty of jars

Even with a balanced diet and consumption of vitamin-mineral complexes, we can not ensure that the skin and hair enough vitamins inside .  Jar of cream will help to correct the situation .  The content of a sufficient amount of vitamins in the cream, one can speak only when the concentration of active ingredient is so high that can "work" with skin .  The favorites among cosmetologists vitamins are vitamins A, E, C and B .  Vitamin A is responsible for the prevention of aging and is included in most anti-aging lines .  Vitamin E has a soothing effect, is involved in tissue regeneration .  Recognized as a leader in the fight against dark circles under the eyes - Vitamin C, it also provides a fresh complexion and protects against free radicals .  And B vitamins restore the vital functions of cells .  Cosmetics, which contain these vitamins can be found in almost all recognized cosmetic manufacturers .

A few tips:

  • eat properly - give up fast food, reduce to a minimum the consumption of sausages, smoked meat, animal fats, products from white refined flour;
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • Movement is life! More walk in the fresh air, playing sports;
  • go to bed no later than 22 hours pre-ventilate the room;
  • stop smoking, give up alcohol;
  • Keep a good mood.

Crib. Where are vitamins

A (retinol):

  • Pumpkin, carrots, sweet peppers, broccoli, spinach, green onions, parsley, soybeans, peas, apples, grapes, rose hips, buckthorn.
  • Fish oil, fish eggs, beef liver, milk, sour cream, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, egg yolk.

B1 (thiamine)

  • Bread made from wheat flour, wheat germ, raw rice, oatmeal, asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprouts, peas and nuts.
  • Pork, beef, poultry, liver, egg yolk, fish.

B2 (riboflavin)

  • Leafy green vegetables, peas, oats and buckwheat, germ and shell grains, yeast, bread.
  • Meat, liver, kidney, fish, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, egg white.

B5 (pantothenic acid)

  • Yeast, hazelnut, green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, buckwheat and oats, peas.
  • Chicken meat, liver, kidney, heart, fish eggs, egg yolk, milk.

B6 (pyridoxine)

  • Yeast, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, corn, cabbage, soy, legumes, unrefined cereal grains, wheat and buckwheat, rice, carrots, bananas, avocados, walnuts.
  • Meat, fish, liver, kidney, heart, milk, egg yolk.

B9 (folic acid)

  • Carrots, green leafy vegetables, beans, yeast, bran, barley, oats and buckwheat, nuts, oranges, bananas, apricots, cantaloupe, pumpkin, mushrooms, dates.
  • The liver, meat, egg yolk, milk, cheese, fish (salmon, tuna).

B12 (cyanocobalamin)

  • Seaweed, soy, yeast.
  • Beef, poultry, liver, kidney, fish, eggs, milk, cheese.

C (ascorbic acid)

  • Citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, leafy green vegetables, sorrel, cabbage (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage), sweet pepper, baked jacket potatoes, blackcurrant, chokeberry, sea buckthorn, rose hips, cranberries.

D (calciferol)

  • Egg yolk, fish oil, eggs, butter, cheese and other dairy products.

E (tocopherol)

  • Sunflower, flax, corn and olive oil, nuts (almonds, peanuts), beans, soybeans, cereal sprouts, green leafy vegetables. Egg yolk, liver, milk.

H (biotin)

  • Soybeans, legumes, peanuts, mushrooms, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, onions, carrots, tomatoes, beets, spinach, cantaloupe, oranges, apples, rice, barley, bran, wheat.
  • Meat, beef liver, heart, eggs, milk, cheese, salmon, halibut, herring, tuna

K (phytomenadione)

  • Green tomatoes, rose hips, spinach, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, oats, soybeans, rye, wheat, green tea.
  • Pork liver, eggs.

PP (niacin)

  • Carrots, broccoli, corn flour, peanuts, dates, tomatoes, potatoes, whole grains, wheat germ.
  • Pork, beef liver, fish, eggs, cheese, milk.
 Vitamin charging. Where to take vitamins in the winter?

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