- Self confidence
- Use what you have
- Beautiful skin - the success
- Lightweight, thin and transparent
- Sun protection
- Well-groomed hair
- Again nutrition
- Vitamins
- Well-groomed lips
- Complete rest and sleep
Surprisingly, in recent years more and more women prefer the natural. You could even say that natural and natural beauty came into vogue. But look beautiful without makeup, if you are already in use for many years in cosmetic and can not imagine myself without make-up on the street? Admit it, it's addictive. But to reveal its beauty, it is not necessary to put a ton of paint on the face. Here are 10 simple tips that will allow you to be attractive even without makeup.
Self confidence
Confidence - it is the most important aspect in any business. Even the most beautiful girl will look like a gray mouse on the background simpleton that confident. So before you give up make-up, you need to prepare for this change psychologically. After all, the constant wearing make-up - it is a real relationship, and thus will "withdrawal syndrome". You are so used to the saturated colors of blush, lipsticks, shadows, and so that your natural look may seem too pale and expressionless. But in fact this is not true, you just have weaned myself of this. It takes only a month to give up makeup to see how the skin is leveled, and her lips become brighter.
Use what you have
Each time, resorting to make-up, you paint your face, creating a mask with specific proportions, lines, dimensions. The result is a completely different person, a girl who looks older than her age and sometimes even seem challenging. It is time to remove the mask and show his true face. And not to seem gray mouse, you can resort to some tricks that will make your face more expressive.
First of all take a look at your eyebrows. It would be nice to give them a precise form using a wizard in the cabin or on their own. Too bright brows can be painted with special paint, or use permanent staining. This will allow you to forget about the long shadows and pencils, and the person will immediately become noticeably brighter and more beautiful.
For cilia, there are also special paints. They paint over bright tips of lashes, so they seem to be longer and fluffy. Well, if this option does not suit you, you can always make the build-up to a long time to forget about mascara and problems with expressive look.

Beautiful skin - the success
To look beautiful without makeup, you need to pay much attention to their skin. After any deficiencies and irregularities immediately apparent, and the perfect person by nature - a rarity. So write for himself a memo schedule, which will be painted by order of caring procedures and days when you need to carry them out. You can hang a "schedule" of the mirror in the bathroom, so it was always in sight. A sample list of activities that you will need:
- Deep cleansing of the skin 1 time per week;
- Exfoliation or scrub 2 times a week;
- Face mask 1-2 times per week;
- Day and night cream every day;
- Facial massage daily.
If you have a serious skin problems such as inflammation, pimples or acne, you should visit a dermatologist's office cosmetologist to find out the cause of the disease and to appoint a competent treatment. In no case do not try to squeeze pimples and pustules, you can bring an infection.
Lightweight, thin and transparent
What you give up makeup, does not mean that we should eliminate all makeup at all. It is acceptable to use agents which do not contain dyes. This will not only accentuate your natural beauty, but also to improve skin care. For example, transparent lip gloss and chapstick allow you to make your lips softer and smoother and transparent powder, applying a thin layer to get rid of greasy. Gel for lashes will help to make the look more expressive and brighter.
Sun protection
It is well known that ultraviolet rays are bad for your skin thinned it and causing premature aging. Even if there is no sun on the street, make no mistake, this does not mean that ultraviolet light can not reach you. To avoid future problems with the skin in the form of early wrinkles, pigmentation and dry, be sure to use sunscreen before going out. And of course do not forget the sunglasses on bright days. Of course, this does not mean that you have to give up the sun at all. But to protect the skin from the harmful effects is essential.

Well-groomed hair
Remember that popular advertising shampoo Shamtu, where she charmed her chic hair of all men in the queue? So, beautiful hair - it's not just complement your appearance. This is a great way to draw attention to their beauty. It is important that your hair always looked perfect, and hair strong and shiny. If you are used to paint them, then pick the most natural shade of paint. In order not to spend a lot of time styling, choose hairstyles that look beautiful without any manipulation.
Always make sure that the hair is clean. It is unlikely that someone will be impressed by the lack of shine and volume. Rather, it can be great to spoil the impression of you. Therefore, be sure to regularly wash your hair, use natural masks and conditioners to improve the quality of the hair and give it a healthy appearance. But a hair dryer and a variety of irons better be avoided if possible.
Again nutrition
Man - this is what he eats. This expression did not appear out of nowhere, you've probably noticed that it is necessary to eat too many fatty or sweet, as the skin is covered with pimples or rashes. Therefore, there is no better way to look attractive than proper nutrition and enough drinking plenty of fluids. Include in your diet more foods containing fiber. It helps to quickly deal with the withdrawal of waste from the body and improves metabolism. 70% of the diet should be fruits, vegetables and herbs. Yes, it's a lot, but it's worth it. You will quickly notice improvements.
Clean water is absolutely necessary to look appealing. Our body is mostly composed of water, namely the use of 1-1, 5 liters of fluid a day will save you from dry skin, scaling, etc. In addition, the lack of water, as well as its overabundance can cause swelling and puffiness.
For a healthy shine and elasticity of the skin just need to intake of vitamins in sufficient quantities. And in general your health depends on this. So do not be lazy to come back to the drugstore and buy a good vitamin and mineral complex that contains vitamins C, B, E, retinol, selenium, biotin, zinc and silicon. This is the most important substance to maintain the natural beauty.
Well-groomed lips
Lips - this is probably one of the most delicate areas of the skin on the face. This means that they need attention and care. To make the lips smooth and beautiful, get a rule every day with a toothbrush to massage them. This will improve blood circulation and helps get rid of dead skin cells, making the lips soft and smooth. Not bad times a week to do the peeling and apply before sleeping quality oil or lotion lip.

Complete rest and sleep
How many times have you heard that good sleep is necessary for the normal state of health? And do you always get enough sleep? And in vain! After all, lack of sleep leads to serious health problems, depression, as well as a black eye, extinct sight and poor complexion. So take it a rule to sleep at least 7-8 hours a night, and if possible at least half an hour in the afternoon. However, daytime sleep is not required. You can simply relax, read a book, watch your favorite TV show or lie down with your eyes closed. This will allow you to relax and calm the nervous system, and find inner harmony.
Here are simple tips to use in life to be attractive without makeup and save a lot of time. After applying makeup in the morning and evening make-up remover every day - that's about an hour of your life, which can be spent for the benefit of yourself or loved ones!