The first wedding hairstyles appeared in ancient Rome. But then afford the solemn laying of the hair could not all women. Only the daughter of wealthy parents was carried out before the wedding a few agonizing hours in the barber to look irresistible. Yes, after laying their tresses looked amazing, but at the end of the wedding ceremony, the poor girls had no choice, how to cut their hair very short, because untwist this splendor was not in their power. Modern holiday ritual to create the image, of course, more humane, and hairstyles for a wedding today is given no less time than the selection of dresses and accessories.
Especially look beautiful wedding hairstyles for long hair - thought out to the last detail, made by skilled craftsmen like packing can turn any bride into a prom queen. And what do you need a girl marries? Of course, be sure to enjoy a compelling and groom! Today, in a fashion elegance and practicality, stylists advise to pay attention to the natural curl decorated discreet accessories.
A variety of wedding hairstyles
The most relevant for the bride has been and remains the classic styling - braids woven into them with pearl strings or tight tails, decorated with a variety of hair braids. These hairstyles give femininity girl, make it even more young and beautiful. For the bride that wants to complement your outfit a symbol of innocence - white veil, provided laying in waves or braid the same, only larger and braided little weaker. This hairstyle perfectly complement the string of pearls and a few discreet stud who will hold it for the whole holiday. Excess of different varnishes and hair mousse today is not encouraged because lost all the natural beauty of women curls.
Wedding hairstyles for long hair - it's a real space for imagination and stylists of the bride. The most important thing to remember is that when choosing a laying should be guided not so much by fashion trends and magazine publications as the general principles on the basis of the type of the bride's face, her figure and dress model.
Loose flowing hair and sex as appropriate for the wedding ceremony. These hairstyles look very gentle and refined. In turn, bundles, braids and tails are more practical, they keep their shape for a long time, let you enjoy the neck of the bride and experiment with the selection of wedding accessories. Their only drawback is that untwist laid craftsman hair is a problem, it should be given enough time. Well, do not engage in the same his hair when a young husband is waiting for your wedding night ?!
A few tips from experienced stylists
If you have long, but thin hair, give up small curls. They quickly confused, raspushatsya and styling will be spoiled;
But large ringlets, on the contrary, will help to keep hair before the end of the holiday. In addition, it gives the volume of fine hair, will make more romantic image of the bride;
Rebellious curls, which are difficult installation, better hide under the veil. Even if you zapletete them in tight braids or tails, no matter how you try, this hair will last no more than 3-4 hours;
Lush hair, good resistance to cheat, will look great in any updo styling in the Greek style - loose braided plaits and braids.
Flowers for wedding hairstyles
Wedding hairstyle on long hair decorated with fresh flowers .... What could be more beautiful? However, many brides have doubts - whether they hold out until the end of the ceremony, do not wither it? Use fresh flowers buds could and should be - this is the unanimous opinion of the stylists. Only approach the choice of jewelry need special attention. For example, too large inflorescences choose not worth it, they do not combine with the bride's bouquet, and lethargy them more noticeable.
However, over the small flowers, too, has its own nuances. First, try to make it not too much. Second, carefully consider the color of buds. Blonde brides should opt for pastel colors, the gentle shades of cream. Haired brunettes and in this regard was more fortunate. Their hair color allows you to experiment with brighter colors. Remember, the brighter the buds, the less they should be present in the wedding hairstyle. Making order for flowers, be sure to check with the florist, it will tell you which ones are more likely to retain freshness, which simply woven into the hair.
By building such an important part of the holiday as a wedding hairstyle must make a good hand of the master. Trust the professionals, but if you for some reason do not like his decision, do not be silent, express your opinion, talk, a skilled stylist always listen and will meet the client. Be irresistible on the most important holiday of my life!
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Proper hair care
Masks for hair shine
Catering hair
Well-groomed healthy hair that sparkle and shimmer in the light, and always look aesthetically pleasing. But not every woman is given by nature - have such hair. Do not worry, you can fix all - you just have to put in a little effort and patience.
Proper hair care
First and foremost, you must learn how to properly wash your hair. To do this, use the water not hot, but warm - it allows it to unfold scales, but when rinsing is better to use a cool water - it will help flakes close. That is how the hair is docile and flexible. Dry hair should be only open way - promakivat towel, but in any case not keep them long in the towel, or permanently dry the hair dryer to dry completely. By the way, it is the first enemy of the hair, which "gives" them dull and dry - a hot air dryer.
After washing, it is necessary to carry out regular massage the scalp - improves blood circulation, and the hair follicles are filled with nutrients. This affects the general form and the condition of the hair as a whole. Once a month it is necessary to carry out deep cleansing - peeling with special shampoos that are available in the beauty salon, drugstore or cosmetic store. Ordinary shampoo hair can not be thoroughly cleaned from dust, dirt and residues of cosmetics - such residues do not attach charms to your hair and make them dull and exhausted.
Masks for hair shine
So, how to make hair shine? To do this, there are many ways, both professional and popular. Only here we must be careful - there are ways that fit individually and depend on hair color. For example, for brunettes suit this option: take a pinch of black tea and the same amount of sawdust, all filled with boiling water and infuse. After washing hair rinsed with this infusion. As you can imagine, this infusion is right, dark-haired ladies - on blondes, he will have a coloring effect.
But for fit blonde woman rinsing with plain water with lemon juice - to 3 liters of water juice of one lemon. Red girls can try an infusion of onion peel - peel-liter jar pour boiled water, cool and rinse. All these methods have long tested not only by our grandmothers, but the official science.
On the question - how to make your hair shine, there are universal tips. First, all women can use raw eggs - it is necessary to damp hair, apply a couple of whipped eggs, gently massage the scalp, as if rubbing the ground. Leave a mask for 10 minutes and then rinse with cool water (in any case not hot - eggs "rolled" and have to wash my head again). Secondly, it is absolutely for all hair types suitable rinsing non-carbonated mineral water.
But the infusion of rosemary and nettle not only give hair shine, but will make them more robust. To do this, take equal parts of herbs (2 tablespoons) and pour them a liter of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes, then rinse hair. When shampoos were rare, many women head of washing soap, often economic, and to impart softness and shine use rinse with water and vinegar. By the way, this method does give results, only the proportions do not overdo it - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.
Catering hair
Not only must take care of the hair through washing and masking, but also remember about proper nutrition. After all the hair is often reflect the internal state of the body and nutrients come to the follicles because of food consumed. For healthy hair every day do not forget to include in your diet foods that contain protein - meat, fish, cheese, milk, eggs. Do not forget about buckwheat, vegetables, nuts - they contain vitamin B, necessary for feeding the hair.
In addition to the consumption of simple food, give hair shine and treat them if necessary, help some cosmetic procedures - elyuminirovanie and lamination hair. These procedures are quite expensive, but their effect is simply stunning. After elyuminirovanie hair does not fade even when exposed to sunlight, and lamination can saturate the hair substance and as it were "close" them from harmful environmental influences.
There are plenty of ways to restore even the most sick and weakened curls, and even to give shine to hair at home and did not have to exert much effort. Try the advice of traditional medicine, but if you want to get results quickly and permanently, then go for help to modern methods in cosmetology. In any case, it is necessary to do it, and then the beauty of your hair will delight all around.
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