Perhaps no country in the world can boast such a love for omens and superstitions, such as Russia. Black cat ran across the road, suddenly broke the cup, Broken scissors, broken mirror. ... Total and count. And very many of us, quietly laughing at old superstitions, still spit over his left shoulder and whisper saving "pah-pah, touch wood." So, just in case. And even the most persistent, girls and women are beginning to blindly follow the signs when it comes to the most important event in their lives - the wedding.
Indeed, it is better to avoid trouble and tricky situations, armed with the knowledge of how to behave in a given situation. After all these signs there are a lot of years and generations of our mothers and grandmothers trusted them. Suppose now, in the era of technology development, most of the signs seem absurd and ridiculous, but that's a woman's desire to do everything for the sake of the marriage was strong and happy, it remained unchanged. That is why the wedding signs and superstitions have so much power over our hearts and minds.
Superstitions: ignorance or folk wisdom?
It would seem that everything is simple: a black cat - is not no demon in animal skins, bringing misery to people, and the usual cute animal. A broken mirror well, can not influence events in the future of your life (the mirror - in the bathroom, in trouble - at work .... What is the connection?). But, drat, people continue to believe in omens - in good and bad. And the right to grandparents were baptized but groaned, but after all, young people there too: believe and follow! And those who just signs up?
Frankly, say when there were signs and superstitions, it is hardly possible. Perhaps it happened when human civilization was born. People often really afraid and did not understand what is going on around the mysterious celestial bodies falling to the ground, which we now call comets were considered harbingers of wars and disasters. Babies with birthmarks and moles on his face - people marked the evil force. And what can we say about travelers, sailors, soldiers - those almost every event saw the signs, the ability to destroy or save their lives.
Of course, much of what our ancestors believed, and it was superstition. But if they are ridiculous and absurd, then why have survived, why are we talking about them? Probably because many signs still come true, and this experience is passed from generation to generation, until he came up to us. It is unlikely that our great-grandmothers, making sure that the sign does not work, they would be handed over to their daughters and granddaughters. Like it or not, as a grain of truth in many so-called superstitions exist.
Since ancient times people have noticed that certain acts or events preceding the wedding, pointed out how the marriage will be in the future. So maybe this is not superstition, but centuries of experience that can help us avoid some mistakes? We do not encourage you to believe in all the holy wedding omens and superstitions, many of them are really after many centuries seem meaningless and absurd. Moreover, if all of them unquestioningly follow, instead of joyful celebration you will experience real flour. But there are, and will take such beliefs, which is certainly worth considering.
Wedding signs and superstitions
Wedding - is not just a trip to the registry office, and the whole ceremony. This choice of dress, and the bride price, the wedding ceremony itself, and the behavior at the banquet table. And if you decide to get married, then take the old superstitions and meet even more. So, we present you the most interesting wedding features:
Before the wedding
The groom should not see the bride before the wedding celebrations
It would seem, why? This is our time, when before you go to the registrar, the guy with the girl a couple of years they consist in an intimate relationship. And he knows it inside out, but the dress to see, you see, you can not! Of course, many experienced ladies will say that, following this custom, still parted with their husbands, or, conversely, buying outfit together with a man and live happily married for many years. Just think about something else: do not you want to hit the groom with their beauty, show in a beautiful white dress during the wedding itself? Let it be on seventh heaven and will remember you for a long time in this beautiful dress.
In order for a marriage to be happy, you need to cry bride before the ceremony
Horror, right? Instead of rejoicing in happy moments, poor girls are invited to shed tears before the wedding! But did you know that this tradition goes back many centuries? Until now, in many villages and towns brides supposed to mourn before the wedding her unmarried carefree life and care of native parents' house. In some localities still employ special mourners to help the bride to cope with the task.
Sometimes it's just a duty to the child's mother and father, who gave strength and soul to the education of girls, and sometimes - a desire to make the marriage really happy. How? Yes, we all know that life - is a series of black and white stripes, sorrows and joys. Tears before the wedding mean just the latest black stripes, after which the family life should bring nothing but happy moments. To cry or not - you decide, but if you decide to shed a tear, let it be bright sadness, bitterness and not fallen out of time trouble.
If in the morning before the wedding, one of the relatives of sneezes, the marriage would be the best
It would seem that what could be sillier? After sneezer, that look, even infect ARI bride just before the wedding - that is "happiness"! .. And have you ever thought about where the expression was "I sneeze all want?" Is it because made "sneeze" on the problem that the sound itself, escaping from her throat, able to frighten small troubles and "send" them back home? Because the bride and rejoices when right before the wedding, someone sneezed loudly, and protect it from unnecessary problems. If you enjoyed this sign, do not forget to thank him sneeze and say "Cheers! ".
During the wedding
If the wedding rings are not smooth and pretentious - with stones and notches, the married life will be severe
Of course, the fashion for the usual smooth rings for a long time has passed, and now the majority of young couples try to choose original and unusual ring. Indeed, there is nothing wrong - amazing, exclusive decorations give the feeling that you - the only one of its kind. What no one does not like each other and be happy in a marriage, you and your partner. But let's remember: everything in nature strives for harmony and perfect shape. And the smooth, round ball - this is the embodiment of the ideal of perfection. Perhaps it is not surprising that our ancestors chose you as a symbol of love and inseparability of two hearts is smooth, round ring? So think twice before you shell out for the ornate decorations - and suddenly happiness in simplicity?
On the day of the wedding the bride should not be allowed another woman to get up in front of the mirror, otherwise it would lead a man of the family
Oddly enough, but it will take about that very few people know, but the impact of the mythical mirrors heard many people. For centuries, using mirrors to predict the future of people treated, protected from evil forces, and even called the soul of the dead! Not for nothing most magicians and psychics are advised to keep a smaller mirrors in the house, saying that they have a negative effect on the human aura. Who knows, maybe your girlfriend, looking in the mirror in front of you, a little envy your happiness, and impregnated with evil magical energy glass. Nonsense? Or maybe it is not necessary to check for yourself?
Hours donated to the wedding promise quick, painful divorce
In general, the clock is not supposed to give any one holiday, and even a wedding - especially. It is believed that the clock is ticking last hours of the life of the person to whom they were granted. And when it comes to wedding gifts, they will reduce the time that the lovers spend together. You can believe in this sign, and maybe not, but it is well known in many countries. And in China, in England and Norway to give the clock a celebration - an inexcusable mistake. And if you were not so lucky and someone decided to make such a present to you - do not worry: just give that person a small coin as a sign that you have bought the watch. No gifts - no problem, right?
After the bride redeemed, between her and the groom should not pass one up to the threshold of the registrar, so their clothes pin for pin
Well, here everything is logical that those who pass between bride and groom, supposedly can separate them in the future. It's quite a strange omen, because most of the newlyweds are willing to drive up to over marriage on different machines, so pinned down and spoil the expensive clothes they did not with his hands. But this is now, as in the old days the future husband and wife were considered inseparable, a single entity after the bride price, and they went tied to each other for a few hours, like a lamb. So decide for yourself - to believe this or not accept. Though hardly any old woman proshmygnuvshaya between you after redemption, will cause serious discord in the relationship.
After the wedding
If the tablecloth, decorate a wedding table, lay in the house the young couple for three consecutive years, the marriage will never be destroyed
Very nice sign, is not it? Only the pros: the kitchen has always elegant, covered with a beautiful tablecloth, to spend money on new tablecloths, too, do not need (well, perhaps, to bleach and detergents). And besides, note: for three years! It is this period in any young family is considered to be critical, it is important to overcome this threshold each pair. And since so little woman tries to please the wife beautifully decorated table for so long, that in other aspects of family life, I suppose, will not fail. It turns out that following this will take can help young people to live a long and happy marriage.
Do not store after the wedding, the bride's bouquet of flowers in a dried form, otherwise the marriage will be unhappy
It is believed that dried flowers carry a dead power, which can adversely affect a person. You should not store any flowers that gave you my love, as the bad energy can "dry up" and your relationship. As for the wedding bouquet, the point here is this: admiring dead flowers, remember the happy eyes of her husband and the most pleasant moments of the wedding, thus pointing the negative energy to the objects of your thoughts. And why keep the faded flowers if you can get from loving husband alive and fragrant almost every day?
Husband and wife should not be wiped with the same cloth - it promises unhappiness in the family
Very handy sign for cleanliness, business women, strictly abide by the principles of personal hygiene. Indeed, how else to teach her husband not to touch your soft pink towel after a shower? Even if you're not superstitious, be sure to tell your fiance about this sign: perhaps he will begin at last to use their own bath products and leave your things alone. You can add from myself will take a few more of the dirty socks scattered around the house and on the habit of drinking beer with friends. Who knows, maybe he immediately "settle down" and will no longer annoy you with their shortcomings?
Wedding shoes should be disposed of, they must wear out literally "to the holes." In this case, the marriage will be a happy and long lasting
In preparation for the wedding, you are sure to "break" a lot of stores, looking for "the very same" shoes. After the triumph of the question arises: what exactly to do with it next? If you follow this sign, you can safely wear elegant shoes for parties, holidays and just walk. As you know, to look stylish and fashionable, you must comply with two conditions: to wear beautiful shoes and build a chic hairstyle. So, the first fad you already made, it remains the case for hair styling, and you - the Queen!
Wedding will take so many that not all listed. And most interestingly, they are almost the same for residents of different countries. Does not this prove that the omens and superstitions have something in common, tried and tested by generations of different nations? Do not worry if some sign or belief will be missed you in mind, because the most important thing at a wedding - this is your happy smile and his eyes burning with excitement groom. And to make a happy married life, you just need to be married to a great love. And it's not a sign, but an indisputable fact!