"No healthy people, there nedoobsledovannye" - says one well-known and quite a bearded anecdote. But as you know, every joke has a grain of truth. The human body is full of a variety of "boyfriends", and it is not all of them are beneficial to the body and its work. Even completely healthy-looking person can have serious health problems, just the time the disease is offline. For example, women ureaplasma quite hard to diagnose.
Today's medicine has opened a wide variety of infections, sexually transmitted diseases.
Almost all STDs are accompanied by the same or very similar symptoms. So in any case it is impossible to put a diagnosis on their own, let alone to self-medicate.
One of the most common diseases is ureaplasmosis, it occurs mostly in women and is usually sexually transmitted, where less contact-household.
There are cases of infection in newborns and ureaplasma: infection occurs during the prenatal period or just during labor.
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What is ureaplasma?
Ureaplasma - are microorganisms with a diameter of about 0, 3 microns. They do not have a cell wall and its own DNA, so by living organism, wherein the parasitic. Most live on the mucous membrane of the genital tract.
In small quantities, they do not bring the wearer problems and concerns, but once decreases the overall resistance of the organism, they begin to proliferate, which may lead to various complications, and inflammatory processes.
The reason for the sharp increase in the number ureaplasmas women can serve as: menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, manipulations with intrauterine devices (IUDs), medical abortion, common diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Possible consequences of the disease
colpitis (inflammation of the vagina);
cystitis (bladder infection);
endometritis (inflammation of the walls of the uterus);
cervicitis (inflammation of the uterine cervix);
postpartum endometritis;
various pathologies of pregnancy and the fetus.
Today there are many medications that can cure the disease quickly and without consequences.
Diagnosis of the disease
All the complexity of the diagnosis of the disease is that 90% of cases, it occurs virtually asymptomatic. The period of the disease lasts from several days to several months, but sometimes the disease and did not manifest throughout the person's life.
Ureaplasmas diagnosed by putting a smear for analysis. To study it is generally used in two ways: the polymer chain reaction (PCR) or bacterial inoculation of nutrient medium. For a more accurate determination of the presence of microorganisms are best integrated studies.
The first condition, different from the norm, usually appear after an asymptomatic period that lasts from 4 days to 1 month. The duration of this period, men and women equally.
Symptoms in women:
Discharge is usually transparent and not very abundant;
Frequent and painful urination;
When oral-genital route of infection may be the presence of a sore throat, purulent plaque on the tonsils and other symptoms resembling angina;
In the formation of inflammation cutting pain in the abdomen.
Symptoms in men:
Discharge from the urethra, the consistency of the mucus;
The feeling of burning and itching when urinating small;
Urine becomes cloudy.
Even the presence of symptoms at the same time does not mean that ureaplasmas in humans. Do not forget about all the complexity of diagnosing the disease, but each of these symptoms - a deviation from the norm is the reason for the visit to the doctor.
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Treatment ureaplasmosis women
For successful treatment ureaplasmosis need a comprehensive approach and specially selected products. Vitamins and immunomodulators, the use of special antibiotics, local procedures are sometimes added to this list of physiotherapy. The only way to completely rid the body of harmful microorganisms. Subsequently, after a full recovery must be systematically control testing.
Sometimes unpleasant symptoms can go on their own, but this does not necessarily mean that the disease has receded: it is necessary to complete a full course of treatment, or is not only possible recurrence of the disease, and aggravation of problems and unpleasant consequences, to get rid of them will be more difficult and dangerous.
Since the carriers of the virus are both partners, and the treatment must take place in parallel, otherwise the patient will infect healthy partner again. In the case of a woman suspected ureaplasmosis need to see a gynecologist, and a man - to the venereal diseases.
Treat the disease must-drug that is prescribed by the attending physician, Ureaplasma organisms are immune to some kinds of antibiotics.
The sooner the treatment begins, and receive the drug, the faster will return to normal health.
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Ureaplasma and pregnancy
Scientists still can not say with absolute certainty whether the ureaplasma cause suppression of reproductive functions and, as a result of infertility.
But, regardless of the answer to this question during the pregnancy planning is required to be tested for this infection.
The cause of ureaplasmosis a woman can be not only the proximity with an infected partner, but also hiking in a public toilet.
The disease is dangerous for the child in his first weeks of life in the womb, during this period as extremely undesirable antibiotic treatment.
Do not forget about the fact ureaplasmas growth during pregnancy in infected women. Even small amounts of these microorganisms can grow rapidly and pass for a critical point.
Constant stress, lowered immunity and hormonal surges - just ideal conditions for breeding ureaplasmas.
Often, because of the labors of the disease occurs prematurely, and the postpartum period runs hard enough.
Ureaplasma is not a direct indication for abortion
. After 22 weeks of pregnancy can be treated, after which further gestation and birth are successful.
With proper treatment ureaplasmosis women during pregnancy, the effects of the disease will be reduced to a minimum.
Treatment during pregnancy ureaplasmosis
Treatment ureaplasmas women during pregnancy is possible. But it is highly undesirable, especially in the early stages, as such treatment might cause the appearance of the effects associated with the body's response to drugs. But the absence of treatment may also lead to unpleasant consequences.
During fetal development and are usually protected by the placenta infection can not get to it, though there are rare cases of intrauterine infection.
Patients with women in labor at the time of the passage of the birth canal is infected every second newborn.
For prompt and proper treatment, you must immediately tell the doctor, leading your pregnancy, the presence of disease or suspicion of it.
The most common causes
Breast pain during pregnancy
Chest pain and menstruation
Quite a lot of women say that they have a sore chest. Each of the fair sex trying to find the reasons for this discomfort. They are among the very many. It should read them, and then draw conclusions.
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The most common causes
Wondering why sore breasts in women, it is necessary to learn about the most common causes. They are as follows:
Mechanical damage to the chest. Often pain arises from the fact that highly compressed breasts bra. That is why it is recommended to wear only a bra that is ideal in size. Otherwise, get rid of the pain will not succeed. In addition, mechanical damage to the breast are telling blows that are applied randomly. Usually it occurs in public transport. Therefore, when traveling in it, you should try to cover up the chest by poking and bumps.
Infection. Usually in this case the chest pain in women due to the fact that there was an infection by streptococcus or staphylococcus. Such an infection enters the body through the cracks on the nipple. In addition, the development of the disease can begin with the weakened immunity, or violation of the skin in the chest area.
Inflammatory processes. They occur most often after surgery. They appear as a result of the rejection of a foreign body (suture material, silicone).
Shingles. Such a sporadic disease usually occurs in older women. It occurs suddenly and it is rather difficult to overcome. This is accompanied by herpes zoster is not only a pain in the chest, but also the general toxic reactions characteristic rash on the skin, low grade fever.
Wrong diet. Chest pain can be due to the fact that women consume a lot of foods high in caffeine, salt and fat. Usually there is an abrupt and rapidly passing pain. However, do not ignore it. It is sure to revise your diet, even if you are sitting on a diet where you need to use products with caffeine.
Iodine deficiency. Breasts may be ill because of the fact that the body lacks the essential element. This is not to simply go to a pharmacy and buy medication. It is necessary that the physician has determined, whereby this element deficiency occurred and what dosage should be taken not to harm the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Improper distribution of gravity. If a woman says that it hurts only the right breast, or only the left, it means that the reason is that it correctly distributes the weight between both hands. After all, in this situation, the chest muscles are stretched unevenly. Because of this, you can watch the nagging pain.
Breast disease (benign tumor). This is a serious disease, which manifests itself in the mammary gland seals and painful sensations. Upon detection of mastitis, as soon as possible to begin treatment to avoid the occurrence of cancer. Typically, doctors prescribe hormones, which are chosen strictly individually.
Cysts. This benign. They appear, as a rule, because of the hormonal failure. Treat Cysts some medication in 99% of cases, it is not efficient. Therefore, surgical intervention is required to produce their complete removal.
Intraductal papillomas. The disease is accompanied papillary tumors arising in the breast ducts. It usually occurs in women after 40 years due to hormonal disorders. A disease characterized by the presence of severe pain in the chest and nipple discharge that may be clear, bloody or greenish-brown color.
Fat necrosis. This disease is usually diagnosed when the breast is present the formation of a dense, which causes its deformation. Typically, in the presence of fat necrosis observed severe pain, which is aggravated by touching the breast.
Erysipelas. Acute disease that affects the skin cover the breast. At the initial stage it takes place in the form of erythematous. It is accompanied by not only the pain but also burning. There may be a bright redness of the skin, against this background, hyperthermia can occur up to 39 ° C, typically low-grade.
Cancer. This disease is a malignant tumor arising from breast tissue, which is characterized by aggressive growth. Here there is a very high risk of metastasis. Severe chest pain and swelling - this is the most important signs of the disease. However, it is still accompanied by other symptoms: retraction of the nipple, a change in the shape and contours of the breast, skin peeling, the occurrence of bleeding from the nipple, swollen shoulder. In this case, you should immediately consult your doctor, or cure a disease will not succeed.
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Breast pain during pregnancy
Another reason that may hurt the breast - is pregnancy.
For the period of carrying a child in a woman's starting to happen many changes.
They are necessary to ensure that the fetus is developing normally, and the birth went well. And the pain in my chest - a sign of the beginning of a restructuring and a sure sign that a woman is pregnant. Therefore, it is not necessary to be afraid of. It may be asked why it hurts his chest and takes a gradual swelling? The matter is that this hormone as gonadotropin. It is because of him milk lobules and ducts they start to grow in size. This change is necessary in order to prepare a woman for breastfeeding. Thus during this period can be observed not only pain and breast tenderness, but their sensitivity and darkening nipples. In addition, there may be light tingling and burning.
It is worth noting that pregnant women tormented by the question, why not just sore breasts, but also how to minimize discomfort. Here experts recommend to wear "proper" underwear. It must be manufactured without joints, bones and natural fabrics. Underwear should be comfortable, have wide straps and of high quality. It does not have to squeeze and rub the chest, but it is important that it is well supported bra to prevent congestion on the occurrence of stretch marks. Thus it is better to give priority to the undergarment, which is made specifically for future moms. That it will be the most convenient and help minimize pain in the breast.
At the beginning of 2 terms will need to be sure to carry out the procedure for hardening breasts: do air baths, take a contrast shower, do wet wiping cold and hot towels. All this to avoid chest pains. Moreover, such treatments will be prevention of mastitis in the future. So you should be sure to get them in service and regularly.
It should be noted that postpartum women may also experience pain in the breast. But they tend to be of a temporary nature. They are normal. However, if the pain does not pass during breastfeeding and after, there are cracks and abrasions on her nipples, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the pain is accompanied by swelling of the breasts, it can be a symptom of mastitis or lactostasis. It is important, too, to see a doctor, as in the case when there is a burning sensation around the nipple, as it indicates the appearance of yeast on the skin.
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Chest pain and menstruation
Many women wonder as to why the chest pain before menstruation. Discomfort in this period is one of the symptoms of premenstrual symptoms. Pain arises directly from the fact that in breast tissue changes occur. They are the consequence of the fact that the amount of progesterone, estrogen and prolactin levels in the female body changes. As a result, a balance is lost between them and discomfort arises. Furthermore, due to the start of ovulation, the number of epithelial ducts and lobules in breast becomes larger. For more blood rushes breast, the breast increases and swells. There may be a weakly expressed a feeling of heaviness.
If you experience breast pain during menstruation can not treat it with suspicion. This is a normal physiological process. So you just need to wait for month end. Moreover, if a woman experiences severe pain that can not be tolerated, then she should definitely see a doctor, so that he appointed her the appropriate medication.
What measures should be taken?
As mentioned above, if the breast pain is not a sign of pregnancy and PMS, and is not connected with feeding, where it is in most cases a normal process (a list of symptoms that should alert, see above), you should seek medical advice for diagnosis. That it will reveal the cause of the discomfort.
Be sure to go to mamologu.
If necessary, he will refer you to a gynecologist, endocrinologist or oncologist. Everything will depend on what the diagnosis is put. But in any case it is impossible to delay visits to the doctor, otherwise it can lead to irreversible consequences. Having timely diagnosis and treatment, if necessary, you will be able to maintain their health. Namely, it is important for every woman.