To date, become the owner of the long and luxuriant hair can almost every representative of the fairer sex, it is enough that the length of his shag averaged from ten centimeters. In any beauty salon, where real professionals, master in just a few minutes will inspect your head, determine whether you can do build, will advise the most appropriate and considerate for your hair type methods. But it is better to choose - is entirely dependent on your financial capabilities and the expected effect. And if you have the primary role played by the result and how much it will last, but not the cost of the procedure itself, it is something to think about.
Italian technology
First, it should be noted that this method is considered one of the most simple and safe. Kerotin whereby to your hair strands are attached artificial, does not contain hazardous components. With regard to thermal curling forming fastening the capsule, it is so small that it can be compared with one alignment procedure Kucera or perm curlers. If you go to a good hairdresser and do not try to save on material, Naroscheny strands practically does not differ from the natural.
Duration of wearing
As to the question as to how much hold Naroscheny hair, it all depends on the skill of the person who does it, the quality of keratin and artificial strands themselves. If the use of inexpensive materials, the wear the hair you will not last long - from one to two months, but no more. At the end of this period, you will have to go back to the salon for a correction, which will cost much cheaper than the procedure itself. This option is suitable for those who decided to make hair extensions for a wedding, birthday or any other holiday to make gorgeous hairstyle for a few days, and then soon it all quickly removed.
What kept quality locks? Those who will do everything in accordance with all standards and requirements, as well as provide proper care, you can wear your hair up to three months. But even if at the expiration of this period, your hair looks good, you still need to contact the salon to remove the locks. It looks correction procedure is quite simple: in a special solution macerated old capsule, then they are very easily and painlessly removed. If you are in this time will get used to a long spit and do not want to part with it, will have to undergo the procedure of building anew.
British technology: quality and efficiency
In this case, the capacity is done by a special gun which heats keratin resin to the desired temperature. Despite the fact that this technique provides a hot, damage from it is also no. The length of your own hair must be a minimum of six centimeters, otherwise the place will be visible bond. The only thing you have to remember that after a visit to the hairdresser you will not be able to go to the baths, saunas, use irons, heated rollers, because if the temperature exceeds a certain threshold, capsules begin to melt.
Duration of wearing
If the procedure was initially performed poorly, the strands in a week may fall along with the capsules that does not look very aesthetically pleasing. If you discover every morning on the pillow pieces, immediately contact a specialist for the correction, which is completely free of charge. On average, hair extensions is enough for three or four months, after which the strands are removed with a special liquid. If you want to go with a chic hairdo as much as you promised to the master, do not forget about the right care: wash your hair standing up at night braid braid, use only special cosmetics. If you comply with all requirements, then you do not have capacity to treat your hair.
Spanish technology: painless and safe
Blond blonde and fair-haired girls, this method will be most welcome, as the joints, and your hair will be artificial light and subtle. The undoubted advantage of extension, glued locks is that masks, balms, shampoos and conditioners that you used, you can not do much harm. Also, you can go to the saunas, baths, experiment with lighting, painting. However, caution should be exercised, because in some institutions masters use instead of expensive special glue fake, which can lead to the loss of your loved hair.
Duration of wearing
Are you wondering how you can wear Naroscheny Spanish technology locks? As experts say - up to six months, but after three or four months are advised to contact the salon for a small correction. This method is characterized by low cost and fairly good results as during the whole period of wearing the hair will not fall substantially. Besides from you you do not need any special or complicated procedures for care of braids. The only condition that is not discussed hairdressers - a wholly-owned health of your own hair, or else be a long-nosed beauty for a long time you do not get.
Tape capacity available to everyone
Those who are not very patient and do not like to wait, you can stay on this method. Only forty minutes - and you are the owner of luxury and long hair! They are attached to your head of hair strands with a special adhesive tape, which does not contain any dangerous or harmful substances for your health. In addition, this technology is recommended to those who own hair rather weak, sparse, thin, dry, brittle or damaged after failing paint, chemistry. With regard to the naturalness, the place of the bond will not be completely visible.
Duration of wearing
How much hair can be worn Naroscheny depends on the characteristics of your hair, but the correction will have to do once in two months, at least. Tape removed with a solution of solvent in which the strands are soaked, then you can re-start the procedure of gluing. But even here there are drawbacks and disadvantages. For example, you will not be able to do some hairstyles, as the sun can strip too shiny, painted, do curling. However, if you want to grow your own hair, it does not want to go with a short haircut or unsuccessful, this technology will be the most appropriate for you. The most important thing is that you can do build as many times as you need.
Korean technology or how to safely extend plait
You have hard and dark hair? Then you can try to build up the hair a special method, which has long been used in the east: through special sintered bead using a special hook and threaded through your artificial strands, then they are clamped with forceps. Recourse to this procedure is possible even with very short hair, as the rings are mounted virtually at the roots of the hair. However, it should be very careful, because if your master overdo it too much pinning your strands, then in the future you may find yourself with a broken and lifeless tips.
Duration of wearing
In this case, it is very difficult to say, how much time can be worn by Chinese technology Naroscheny hair, since one of the fair sex roots can grow back in just two months, while others - for four. In order to accurately determine the date when you have to go back to the correction should be several times after the procedure visit his barber. In addition, two weeks later, he must examine the hair to make sure everything was done properly and without errors. Themselves locks removed by decompression ring forceps that is not only painless, but also safe, as any chemical or thermal effect is completely eliminated.
Modern ultrasound capacity
Time does not stand still, people are trying to use advanced technologies, apply new items and achievements in all spheres of life. For example, not so long ago (or more precisely - in 2006) has become popular to increase the hair with the help of an ultrasound machine that melts the keratin to the desired temperature by ultrasonic waves. It came to us the technology of Hollywood, where stars are constantly experimenting with style, appearing on the carpet with long luxurious curls, the short haircuts for boys. The undoubted advantage of this method is that Naroscheny hair can be dyed, Dyed, kollorirovat, with strands will look as natural.
Duration of wearing
In this case, the girls wear their hair as much as the English and capacity - up to four months, then have to spend the full correction. Due to the fact that the ultrasound acts on the keratin specific manner of bonding is not damaged hair strands, wherein the capsules themselves are particularly durable. You can make any hair, in the sun, but the junction nobody will notice. The only thing that you can confuse - it is rather the high cost of the procedure.
Things to know when building
In fact, as you can wear artificial hair affects your attitude to the hair. Do not think that having increased twenty or thirty centimeters, you can in anything does not deny, thus always looking your best. If the salon you are convinced that the next two to three months will not differ from the others, immediately go to another institution. Before starting to work, a specialist have to tell that you have to constantly observe certain rules of washing, drying, only use special shampoos, combs, or combs with rare teeth and thick, otherwise you risk prematurely losing strands.
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