Dieffenbachia is among the most common and the most unpretentious of indoor plants. In fact, dieffenbachia - a rainforest shrub that can start new roots stem from the lodge. Therefore, with time dieffenbachia stem becomes bare - the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. In the remaining first interstices formed aerial roots, and when the stem touches the ground, the roots grow, and the interstices of the vertical there is a new germ.
In short, the nature of adult dieffenbachia look a sort of octopus spreads its tentacles. However, in the home may have dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow and fall off, not only in a natural way. Why is this happening? What can cause yellowing of healthy leaves, their drying and falling off? Let's face it.
Conditions of detention
Above all, the plant is necessary to create favorable conditions. If it is comfortable, it will decrease the risk of disease significantly. So, dieffenbachia refers to the light-loving plants. Therefore, have a flower pot should be in a bright room or near a window. However, this house plant needs it diffused light as direct sunlight can cause burns the leaves. But in the winter can not hurt dieffenbachia and additional lighting.
With regard to the mode of irrigation, it should be remembered that dieffenbachia - a native of the tropics, where it is always warm and humid. That's from a lack of moisture in the air may suffer its leaves, yellowing and zasyhaya. Therefore, it should be abundantly watered all year round, but especially - in an active growth period (summer, fall and spring). However, to fill the plant should not be as excessive watering can cause root rot. Furthermore, it is necessary to spray the leaves and the air surrounding the plant.
It is necessary to take into account the dieffenbachia and love to fresh air, and her fear of drafts. Therefore, the room in which there is a pot of flower, must be periodically aired, protecting the plant from cold air streams. In the summer, you can move to an open loggia dieffenbachia or garden, not forgetting its pritenyat from direct sunlight.
Under these conditions, the content of your dieffenbachia will certainly feel comfortable. However, sometimes even with good care the plant turn yellow. Why is this happening? Let's try to analyze the possible reasons for dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow and wither.
The costs of care and disease
How would you not sought to provide its dieffenbachia good care of mistakes no one is immune. Therefore, note first of all these mistakes, which leaves from the plants and yellow. So why leaves turn yellow dieffenbachia?
Insufficient watering. If you water the plant from time to time or just a little moisturize the soil, the leaves begin to turn yellow in the dieffenbachia. In this case, simply more and more abundant watering flower.
Uncomfortable temperature. Dieffenbachia - heat-loving plant, and at low temperatures, for it may begin to drop leaves that turn yellow and begin to pre-shrink on the tips. In this case, it must be moved to a warmer place.
Excess fertilizer can also provoke yellowing and drying of leaves on dieffenbachia. If you notice that it happened soon after the next feeding, transplant the plant into a new pochvosmes. Otherwise, get rid of excess soil minerals you do not get.
Errors in the transplant. There are two possible missteps. Firstly, you can burn the plant roots, keeping it in a solution of potassium permanganate (as recommended by many growers). Secondly, because the plant can respond to inappropriate pochvosmes him. In the first case, you must wait for the dieffenbachia is restored independently, while the second - to change the soil in the pot.
Dry air can also lead to the fact that the leaves turn yellow and dry up dieffenbachia. Help is only one way: spray the leaves and the air around the plant, use a humidifier or simply supply a wide bowl of water next to the flower.
The cause of the yellowing of leaves (in addition to errors in care) may be spider mites. The most annoying thing in this disease, notice that the pest on affected leaves on top is almost impossible. Nevertheless, there is one special feature that allows it to identify the cause: the leaves turn yellow with constant intervals - once a week.
Seeing like, try to still detect the pest. Search tick should be on green leaves that are closer to those who have already turned yellow. A tick will appear as many small little black dots. To rid the plant parasite, you need to wash the leaves with soap solution or infusion of tobacco, and then treated with a suitable insecticide.
The natural drying of the leaves
Already in the second year of life dieffenbachia it leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. This is a natural process, and it should guard you. In any case, it is impossible to deal with this and does not make sense. That's how this plant is that over time it becomes bare trunk, and lower leaves fall off.
In this case, your task - to return dieffenbachia decorative appearance. How can I do that? Experienced growers have recommended too strung out old plants just cut the trunk at the level of ten centimeters above the ground. From hemp will soon begin to grow new shoots. But you can cut off the top to root. To do this, cut a part of the apex of the trunk placed in a container with water and leave for a while.
Roots dieffenbachia gives very quickly, so a long wait you do not have. Rooted then planted in a flower pot with peat pochvosvmesyu and caring for plants updated on all the rules. Note that because of apical cuttings develop more powerful and healthy specimens dieffenbachia.
And what to do with yellowed leaves or dried edges? If you follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners, it does remove the leaves from the plants is not necessary - it will weaken it and cause rapid aging of dieffenbachia. Dead leaves just out of the corner should be cut with sharp scissors. And if the leaves turned yellow and withered completely, then they should be removed.
To summarize
So in conclusion we can say that in most cases dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow in the wrong care. Therefore, we will remind you that you need to put a flower in a well lit, but sheltered from the sunlight and drafts place. Dieffenbach should be watered abundantly, but excessively. That is, the land in the pot should be kept slightly damp. In addition, you should spray the air around the flower or place next to him wide container with water.
Well, if on your dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow in a natural way, just in time to remove them. And let this variegated tropical miracle, pandanus, decorate your house and stays healthy. Good luck!
Visiting a flower shop in the winter, you will certainly notice the lush flowering azalea bushes. You will hit a variety of colors and beautiful shape of the petals. Often, there are so many colors, it is impossible to discern the leaves themselves. And the fact that the azaleas bloom falls in the winter, will not leave you a chance to pass.
But inexperienced gardeners often happens that after a heavy bloom gradually die all azalea, care that requires careful attention. What conditions it is necessary to provide the proper care for her in the apartment? How to achieve an annual long-flowering and what to do after that? Reproduction of any way to the azaleas will be the most effective?
On these and other questions we try to answer in this article. We reveal the secret of the sun in winter joyful mood, the essence of which lies in the fact, to create an atmosphere as close to nature. This scattered sunlight, cool and clean air.
What should be the care of azalea
So, looking in more detail on the core aspects of plant care.
Like all tropical plants, azalea indifferent to a saturated light. But remember, direct sunlight will ruin your flower. High probability to get burns, which are symptoms of dry tips of leaves and browning. The best option is to put the plant on the east and west windows. If this is not possible, then simply do not put flowers directly on window sills, and located at some distance from the window - on the bedside table, shelves and the like.
In winter, during the flowering azaleas still demanding to light. And for effective flowering plants can not do without light. As an auxiliary lighting use fitolampy or fluorescent lamps (cold day) light.
Air temperature
Azalea - a plant that loves cool, and for the successful maintenance of the flower acceptable air temperature will be 13-20 degrees. However, this plant may gradually become accustomed to the higher ambient temperature. There are instances that thrive at 25-28 degrees.
Still, for a successful ties buds ideally provide a maximum of 16 degrees Celsius and the minimum temperature of the contents shall not be less than five degrees. In winter, it is best to put a pot with blooming azalea on the windowsill without heating the battery and keep the window ajar. But make sure that it does not freeze from strong drafts.
Fortunately, in the hottest summer azaleas is at rest, and care for her at this time is no more difficult than at other times. It can be safely prikopat in the garden in a cool, shaded place. Note: before placing the pot in the ground, close the drain hole stockings to garden pests are not able to get into the ground. And still need to water the plant and humidify the air around the flower. In spring and autumn, when before the frost flowers thrives on the balcony or loggia.
Another important condition: bring home the autumn azalea should be before the start of the heating season. This should be done gradually, stretching procedure for a week and a half. A sharp change in temperature can lead to leaf fall.
Large and common mistake amateur gardeners is encasing the soil surface for artificial ice ohlazhdeniya.Eto can lead to rotting of the root system, and, consequently, to the death of azalii.V this case further care it does not make sense.
Natural climate in which grow azaleas, is characterized by high humidity, so the apartment must provide the necessary environment. And if your goal is not just admiring the lush flowers and breeding rare instances, the high humidity - a vital condition for azaleas. Generally, winter moisture in the flat is not more than 40% and for optimum content of the plant is necessary to maintain 70-80% moisture. The best option of creating a cool and humidity will humidifier and air conditioning. In extreme cases, place the pot on a special tray, filled with moistened expanded clay, and often spray the plant, avoiding water on the flowers.
Flower pot must be chosen from a wide tray that can be filled with expanded clay or moss-sphagnum. Of course, a pallet must always be water. Spray azaleas should be very careful, not flooding the buds and leaves. This moisture condensation will lead to the gradual decay of leaves and flowers.
The adjacent water tanks, ornamental fountains, hanging wet towels are also a good option to increase the humidity. And the banks of azaleas from the destructive dry air coming from the hot radiator. To do this, you can simply cover the battery with a thick blanket.
One of the main conditions of the azaleas in the home is the correct watering. A basic rule when watering the plants - moderation. Make sure that the soil is not dried out, and would be always a bit humid. Excess moisture and damaging as insufficient watering. Water should use a soft, to defend.
It is also possible to once or twice a month to add a few drops of citric acid. In winter, the frequency of watering can be twice a week, while in the summer should be watered every other day. All depends on the conditions. Be attentive to their plant, and soon you will understand when and how much water the darling and how to properly care for it.
Pruning and pinching
An important condition for the formation of the beautiful lush bush and ties for more kidney is a timely and smooth nipping plants. This process should begin after all flowering azaleas and until mid-July. And since the kidneys are formed at the ends of shoots, the main task is to grow as many new shoots.
Too stretched at the time of flowering branches should be cut, then cut handle decontamination solution. Try to form the crown azaleas so it was lush, with lots of branches. To care for her after flowering is much easier, because the colors do not cover the leaves - it's time to carry out disease prevention and destruction by pests.
Transplant azaleas
Never re-pot azalea winter. It is best to postpone this procedure till the growth of new shoots. But there are times when you need an emergency transplant: decaying roots drenched, over a small pot - in this case, change will bring clear benefits.
Young flowers after flowering and trim the shoots are transplanted each year, but more mature transplant azaleas should not be made more frequently than once every two or three years. Pot is chosen 1-2 cm more than the previous as well as the root system azaleas horizontal surface, you should choose the container flat and wide in diameter. If you are afraid to damage the root ball, then simply transplant a way of transshipment plant. Otherwise, there are options too neat trim surround coma, stuck cleaning roots from the old soil and full replacement of the substrate.
Soil and fertilizer
For a successful content azaleas need to pick the right soil. At first, it is better not to experiment, and to get ready substrate prepared specifically for azaleas in the garden store. More experienced growers can prepare the necessary ground yourself. This would require coniferous soil, sand and peat. Do not forget about the need for drainage layer of expanded clay.
Like all plants, azalea needs extra feeding fertilizers. And it also suggested to buy fertilizer, also designed specifically for azaleas. By the way, there is a general principle of azaleas feeding: after full bloom and buds falling off (usually closer to the fly) fertilizer should contain more nitrogen. But closer to the fall, when the buds begin to tie, to be more potassium and phosphorus.
Propagation by cuttings - the best way. To do this, cut the stalks at the age of no more than six months and not stiff. Place them in common to the ground and covered with azaleas packages. With regular watering flowers take root within 1.5-2 months, after which they must be transplanted into individual pots. Pay attention to rooting ambient temperature should be below + 22 ° C and a relative humidity of at least 80%.
Diseases and pests
Of course, like any other flower, the azalea is exposed to various diseases and parasite attacks. The prevalence and the most dangerous threat to represent different kinds of mites. Annoying, rapidly proliferating small insects can instantly envelop the whole flower; to deal with them is extremely difficult. This pest is easily moved to the other pots of flowers. Dry air, heat, summer - all favorable conditions for the emergence of other pests such as mealy bug, Jose scale, aphids.
Of course, the best in pest control - is prevention. Daily inspection of leaves and flowers, weekly foliar special solutions or just soap and water, the use of insecticides for prevention - all this will help you maintain a healthy plant and prevent undesirable consequences of an attack on him pests.
Among the diseases most azalea affected botrytis, spotted, Fusarium wilt. In order to avoid contamination by fungi, flowers need to be processed one percent Bordeaux liquid.
Competent care for azaleas, optimal conditions for maintenance and care of her before and after flowering, disease prevention, timely reproduction - all reliably and permanently protects your flower, and as a reward he will give you an amazing flowering, healthy look and enjoy the result.