Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow


  • Natural causes
  • Improper care
  • Diseases

More recently, in our homes appeared exotic immigrant from arid Africa - Zamioculcas. Have this flower is very fashionable now, and take care of them is very simple. The plant is really unusual and really unpretentious. This flower is considered very hardy and resistant to many diseases. However, not all as easy as it should be.

Despite the almost Spartan conditions in which the flower grows at home indoor living for him it is not always comfortable. More often at home Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow, but no other signs of disease are observed. In what may be hiding the reason why your Zamioculcas and suddenly turned yellow? Let's try to understand.

Natural causes

Natural causes yellowing and leaf fall becomes, surprisingly, the growth Zamioculcas. This flower is classified as very slow-growing indoor pets. In the process of growth in Zamioculcas, new leaves and old leaves first turn yellow and then dry up and fall off - everything in nature is exactly what happens. In the indoor horticulture similar phenomenon spoils decorative flower and causing concern among growers.

Therefore, if the leaves turned yellow, but gives new flower shoots, do not worry - it's a natural process. Why is this happening? And everything is simple - young leaves are more viable and active, so all the nutrients from the soil taken currently. Pay attention to the emerging dark spots on the leaves, stems. If they are dry, your Zamioculcas quite healthy. You just have to wait for the complete drying of yellowing leaves and remove them. You need to take care of the flower in the former regime.

 why leaves turn yellow from Zamioculcas

Improper care

The most common cause of yellowing leaves Zamioculcas - an incorrect watering. Interestingly, this can happen when excess moisture, and its shortcomings. But the biggest and most common mistake is still excessive watering. And if you carefully and diligently watering your Zamioculcas, and he suddenly turned yellow, then rest assured - you poured it elementary.

Zamioculcas - plant drought-resistant, which means that it does not need frequent and copious watering. If you make this mistake, and the leaves on the flower turned yellow, then you need to urgently revive the plant, otherwise it will simply die. To do this, remove the flower from the pot and the department began to rot of the tuber and roots. Healthy underground parts Zamioculcas is too dry, previously sprinkled with powdered charcoal, and then transplant the plant into a new ground.

Given the obvious foodstuff dries out too earthen clod Zamioculcas leaves can also begin to turn yellow. The same reaction occurs and if damaged roots during transplanting and handling plants. In these cases, it is only necessary to normalize and be sure to watering the flower to feed. The best remedy for such illness would be drugs that stimulate root growth, "Kornevin", "Korneros", "take root" or other similar means.

Abrupt change of temperature in the room where the flower, can also cause the appearance of yellow leaves. Although the nature of Zamioculcas growing in different climates and in a wide temperature range, room instances do not like cool conditions. Adversely affects the state flower and the sharp rise in temperature, such as when the heaters. In this case, try to moisten the air in the room and two or three times a week, spray your Zamioculcas drug "Appin" with anti-stress effect.

 Zamioculcas yellow


Why do leaves turn yellow in healthy Zamioculcas instances, we found out. But if you care for the flower correctly, new shoots had not appeared, and the leaves have turned yellow at the same time, there may be some diseases. The most common cause yellowing of leaves all kinds of pests: Jose scale, aphids, spider mites.

If you notice that the leaves have turned yellow Zamioculcas, and they had a gossamer thin, it is likely struck flower spider mites. It's a little red spider, which settles on the back of leaves and swathes of white cobweb. Destroy that little pest can be physically washing the leaves from the web, and chemically by spraying the plant with special preparations ("Agravertin", "Zircon", "anti-mite").

Dark spots on the stems and yellowing leaves - a sign of defeat Zamioculcas scale insects. It is kind of aphid, adult specimens of which are covered with waxy shields, quickly multiply, but still sit on the plant, hiding behind their shields (this is the dark spots on the flower). But the larvae crawl around the flowers and feed on sap of leaves, from which they turn yellow. To get rid of this scourge Zamioculcas leaves should be cleaned with a damp swab to collect adult scale insects, and the plant itself to handle a soap solution or insecticides.

So that Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow when new shoots, with the defeat of plant pests and at the wrong care. But do not forget that the Zamioculcas is very hardy. Even if the leaves turned yellow and then completely fell off, there is a chance to achieve resuscitation flowers and new shoots of the tuber. Therefore, do not despair. Find out why your Zamioculcas leaves turned yellow, take action and wait for the results. And they are sure to follow!

 Why plant Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow?

We strongly recommend to read: How to transplant Zamioculcas

 Zamioculcas transplant


  • Terms of successful transplantation
  • The choice of dishes
  • Transplant Procedure
  • How to sit Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas - a relatively new phenomenon in the domestic indoor horticulture. This overseas guests quickly became very popular, but not everyone is a souped owners of this flower can not save the acquired plant. Although it is believed that the Zamioculcas quite undemanding in maintenance and care, it happens that he dies immediately after moving from store to home. But the fact that this plant is necessary to correct a transplant.

Perhaps it is right to replant or sit Zamioculcas and it is impossible for beginners. Therefore we suggest you learn the rules of the procedure, following which you will manage without negative consequences for the plants to transplant it, and if necessary, sit down. In short, we learn the rules of transplantation Zamioculcas for its successful cultivation in the room conditions.

Terms of successful transplantation

If you follow a small set of recommendations, the transplant Zamioculcas always be successful. Let us first be clear these simple rules, and then consider the transplant procedure itself.

For successful transplanting plants need to:

  1. Choose a light soil, which will be good to miss, and water and air.
  2. Reduce the density of the soil, for example by means of expanded clay, which will help loosen it.
  3. At the bottom of the flowerpot necessarily put a drainage.
  4. When moving plants from one container to another, it is necessary to handle and not transplanted.
  5. Conduct regular handling (transplant) in the spring.
  6. Completely bury the roots, so they will not be visible above the surface of the soil.
  7. Be sure to repot the plant after purchase.
  8. Choosing the right dishes, which should not be too small or large.
  9. Transplant young plants annually, and adults every two to three years.

 how to transplant Zamioculcas

The choice of dishes

In respect of the transplant and utensils, which should grow Zamioculcas, the flower room rather capricious. Often incorrectly matched capacity can lead to death of plants and complicate the transplant procedure. It is very important to choose the right container for the plants. One of the major mistakes of choice is too big or very narrow utensils flower. The optimal variant of the size of the pot - low dishes, slightly more than the width of the tuber Zamioculcas. Why is that? If the pot is narrow and tall, while handling the flower will be difficult to extract from it. And growers say that as soon as the roots grow to Zamioculcas skirting dishes, flower begins to develop intensively.

With regard to the material from which made the flower pot, it is not recommended to cultivate Zamioculcas in ceramic ware. Firstly, a flower can be lost in a pot of a lack of space, and secondly, when handling the flower extract of such utensils virtually impossible without damage to the plant. Ceramic pot can only be broken, but it will inevitably damage the roots.

So, for cultivation and subsequent safe transplant Zamioculcas need plastic pot is not very high and with a diameter slightly larger tuber flower.

Transplant Procedure

After Zamioculcas moved from store to your home, it is necessary first transplant. Only it should be done no sooner than two to three weeks of adaptation period. Then, the young plants are transplanted each year, and after four or five years - less. The biggest mistake the transplant Zamioculcas - the liberation of the roots from the ground. Usually after such barbarous treatment plant for a long time ill, and often die.

To properly transplanted Zamioculcas, it should simply cross into a new pot, along with a clod of earth. To do this, you need to moisten the soil and walls of the pot obmyat. After that, a flower pot and a little tilted, tapping the bottom, pull the flower along with a clod of earth. New prepared pot should be slightly larger diameter than the former. On the bottom you need to pour it drain and gently place the flower to the ground inside the pot. After that, the space between a clod of earth and the walls of the pot poured a new pochvosmesi, tamping it with your fingers or a stick. Zamioculcas transplanted must be watered again to pour the land in the pot and fill up the soil slipped to the level of the old earthen coma.

 how to transplant Zamioculcas

How to sit Zamioculcas

Sit the flower room only need in order to reproduce. If you think that a plant closely in the old pot, then you just need to cross a large bowl. As you may recall, the release Zamioculcas tubers out of the ground for the transplant plant tolerates painful. That is why the seat flower without the need for breeding should not be.

However, if you decide to multiply your Zamioculcas by dividing the bush, try to carry out the procedure for the most gentle way. Remove the pot from the old hive, as in the case of transplant, and free up the roots from the ground. Now just try to divide the bush hands into two or three parts with the same number of stems neatly severing roots. If the roots are very much intertwined, then cut them with a sharp knife, rubbed with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Share can be themselves tubers (potatoes). For nodules is just cut in half sharpened knife and slices allow to dry. Then the slices sprinkled with powdered charcoal, and seated divided bush in new pots. Do not forget to the rule, according to which the diameter of the pot should be only slightly greater than the size of the tuber. Otherwise your rassazhenny bush permanently "stuck" in the state and the size, which was transplanted. And another important point. Rassazhenny Zamioculcas not watered at least three days. A top dressing fertilizer is carried out only one month after the division of the bush.

Here are some simple rules for transplants (or rather, transshipment) Zamioculcas and seating of the bush. Be prepared for the fact that this flower is very sensitive to the movement in the new pot, even if the hostess transplant it on all the rules. But certainly if you've done everything right, then this temporary discomfort will pass quickly, and your Zamioculcas quickly return to the original shape for a long time will delight lush greenery and elegant beauty. Good luck!

 Zamioculcas - change of rules

We strongly recommend to read: Why Zamioculcas yellow
