how to remove the yellowing with bleached hair


  • Prevents the appearance of yellow on hair
  • Procedural steps clarification of hair
  • Getting rid of the yellowness

Blond hair wide variety of shades are always in fashion - this is a kind of classic. Fully colored or streaked hair - there is no difference, in any case, a color always makes the girl more attractive, mysterious and feminine. However, there is one issue that overshadows all the charms of blond hair - yellowness. Very often staining in light brown, wheat shades leads to this result. To learn how to remove the yellowing with bleached hair and prevent further such a problem today and we'll talk.
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Prevents the appearance of yellow on hair

Of course, it is easier to avoid the appearance of yellow, rather than get rid of it. But how? It is best to prepare in advance the right to a process of clarification and to minimize the likelihood of unpleasant yellow shade. And the first step - is to assess the general appearance of the hair. If your hair is prone to breakage, dryness and to the cross section, then before they lighten the need to conduct a complex recovery procedures - it will help avoid the disastrous consequences in the future. To do this, use medical mask and air conditioners, sprays and shampoos. It is best to purchase such products at pharmacies.

Do not forget that if you have recently had a perm, it is better to wait a little clarification. Hair experienced some kind of stress, after which they need time to recover. Enough of three to four weeks. Going to lighten your hair, take into account their natural color. In general, the dyed hair to lighten quite difficult - the likelihood that they will become yellow or red, is too high. It is very important to consult a hairdresser and see what kind of paint is needed specifically in your case.

Now for the rules of clarification. The paint is applied first to the occipital zone, because it is here that painting is slower than in other areas. Then paint over the middle part of the head, but the whiskey and bang - at the end. If you are alone you lighten the hair, apply the paint as quickly as possible. Remember that the painting should be done at regular intervals to the head does not get a "spotty".

Typically, the roots are processed in about twenty minutes after it has been dyed through the middle part of the head. This is the case if the lighting is done first. If it is repeated, the first paint the roots, and then the remaining hair. No need to paint hard roots - with excessive clarification they can greatly damaged. Following these simple tips, you insure yourself against yellowing on the hair.

Also important and choosing the right tools to lighten or staining. It is not worth saving. The paint quality is dependent on many factors, the first of which - the manufacturer of cosmetic products. Prefer a professional brand, not cheap cosmetics of unknown origin. In addition, it should be remembered that the only means of clarifying discolor hair, but at the same time is designed to paint discolored hair and give them the necessary shade. Today on sale also has special tonics, whose main task - to rid the hair from yellowing after clarification.

 lighten your hair how to remove yellowness
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Procedural steps clarification of hair

Now consider how to pursue clarification of the hair, as this also depends on the final result. The main advice - do not wash the strips prior to painting. In the process of applying to the hair clarifier divide them into four parts. The first parting - from ear to ear, the second - from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the neck. First bleach is applied to the back of the head, as mentioned earlier. After that, apply paint on all partings. In temples and forehead area of ​​the clarifier is better to put at the end of staining, since there are very thin and weak hair, which clarified quickly.

The thicker, denser and thicker your hair, the less should be locks for which you apply lightening preparations. This will soak into every cosmetics hairs. Otherwise, uneven coloration obtained. If you Brightening the first time, you must first put the tool on yourself hair dye endure twenty-five minutes, and then put it on the roots (literally three centimeters) and hold for another ten or fifteen minutes. Try to paint the tips of the hair is minimal, so they do not dry up and flogged. Lightening your hair no more than once a month.

 how to remove the yellowing with bleached hair at home
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Getting rid of the yellowness

If the yellowing is still manifested itself, it is necessary to know how to handle it. The first way - is to use a special shampoo, which is due to components in its composition allows you to remove a bad hair yellow. This shampoo combines both functions and shampoos and tonics. Your task - to choose the desired hue colorant.

In order to achieve maximum impact, the selection of the tonic is not superfluous to consult with a specialist. There are times when you need to remove the yellow color from the hair a dark color, but the same thing happened with blond hair is much more difficult. You can add toning shampoo to what you used before. Ratio - 1: 3. Such a composition is softer, and keep it needed only a couple of minutes.

Hairdressers are advised when choosing coloring shampoo opt for colors such as pearl or ash - they are the most natural. Do not forget that this shampoo perederzhivat not worth it, otherwise the hair will become even more strange, unnatural hue.

There are folk remedies that have proven themselves no worse than the professional cosmetics. Honey mask - the first option. You need only one component - honey. Choose lime or flower. Honey is applied to the hair for ten, so it is advisable to carry out this procedure in the evening, so you have plenty of time - in the morning you can wash off the honey. At the head wear a cap made of polyethylene. In addition to honey lets remove the yellowing, it strengthens the structure of the hair, making it shiny and soft.

Get rid of the yellowing can be and with the help of onion peel. You need to prepare a decoction of relatively high concentration. His, as well as in the former case, we applied to the hair and leave for the whole night. We can not say that it means copes with yellowish hair, like shampoo or honey; however, if the problem is not too serious and a slight yellowing, onion skins will show its effect.

In addition, useful several times a week after washing the hair or the usual coloring shampoo rinse them helpful and restorative broth chamomile. He brightens as painted and natural wheat or light brown hair, giving it a healthy shine, softness and silkiness.

As you can see, getting rid of yellow hair is not as difficult as it may seem. But this problem is easier to prevent than to then try every possible way to get rid of it. Taking care of your hair and giving them a proper and competent comprehensive care, you will achieve that your blonde hair will always be the object of admiration of others!

 Yellowing of bleached hair: how to get rid?

 keratin hair straightening


  • Advantages of keratin straightening
  • Keratin straightening where better?
  • Home keratin straightening: Technology and features
  • Useful tips
  • Benefits for Hair

Are you tired to deal with split ends and dry hair? Are you tired every morning to straighten the hair ironing, thereby injuring them? Maybe it's time to try keratin straightening hair - a procedure aimed at a comprehensive hair care. It can not just straighten your hair, giving them shine, but also to strengthen their structure, to make them healthy.

This technology straightening curls appeared not so long ago, but experts admit its revolutionary technique for hair care. Initially offered only keratin straightening beauty salons, but now every girl can perform this procedure, and at home, using a minimum of necessary funds.
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Advantages of keratin straightening

Talking about the features of keratin straightening is to provide some of the benefits that undoubtedly has the full extent of the procedure. Manufacturers compositions for keratin straightening claim that this technique will allow you to achieve the following results:

  • Smoothing curly hair structure;
  • Deep hydration and nutrition curls affected by chemical treatments of different character;
  • Sealing the tips are prone to a cross section;
  • The more damaged your hair is, the more pronounced will be the therapeutic effect;
  • Performing keratin straightening after coloring, you can save the resulting color is a long time;
  • Effect after the procedure rectification can be stored up to 90 days.

Also important is the fact that keratin hair straightening has virtually no contraindications. The only thing important to note that experts do not advise to do this procedure for pregnant women and during lactation. It is not known how it may affect the baby's health, so it is better not to risk it.

Indicators such as the type of hair, the color or structure, it also does not matter. Keratin straightening is possible to carry on any curls. And where better to conduct this operation at home or in the salon?

 keratin hair straightening at home
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Keratin straightening where better?

Feature straightening keratin - a high cost for the procedure, regardless of where it is held, at home or in a salon. The first factor that determines the price - is the length of the strands. Accordingly, the longer the hair, the more money you put into the procedure. In addition, upon completion of the procedures required special balm-conditioner, which also is not cheap, and, of course, shampoo. Note that after the use of keratin straightening usual makeup does not fit - you need a special, professional production.

Therefore, most women prefer to do the procedure for rectification at home - so significantly reduce the cost, which is already a lot. However, it is important to know that keratin hair straightening at home is not as effective as in the cabin. Yet beautician knows best how to handle it with your curls, how to apply to them the necessary means, and draws attention to the nuances of which you can not even guess. In addition, compositions for home straightening different from the cabin - they are not as effective.

However, with the right approach, you can make a good keratin straightening and at home - it is only important to know how to spend it. It should be noted that the cost of a complete set of procedures for the house considerably exceeds the cost of the service in the beauty salon, but these funds will be enough for you to procedures for eight or ten, depending on the length of your hair.
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Home keratin straightening: Technology and features

Before you start to straighten the hair keratin compositions, you will need to buy special products. This is primarily for the cosmetics keratin straightening. Today you can buy in any store cosmetics. Also handy hair dryer and a spray bottle, a large comb-brushing circular shape, as well as iron is a good ceramic coating.

Today, the market is the most popular products Keratin Shot, and QOD. It is classified as a professional, so it's better to stop the choice on it. Cosmetics there? Now go to the procedure of straightening. The first step - a hair washing. Thoroughly wash your hair twice with shampoo lathered them with the keratin in the composition. Now dry the hair with a towel and carefully comb.

Strands fasten at the back. Fill the spray bottle 50-100 mL desired means, depending on the type of your hair. Begin spraying means alternately on each lock and then comb, using a narrow comb with small teeth - a good remedy is to soak into the hair structure. We are waiting for fifteen minutes.

Now dry your hair using a large comb. After that select small thin strands and align them using utyuzhok. Upon completion of the procedure applied to the hair keratin serum - is the final stage of home keratin straightening.

 keratin hair straightening technology
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Useful tips

If you decide to try keratin straightening hair at home, pay attention to certain binding rules. First of all, the first three days after the procedure you can not wash your hair, otherwise the vehicle will not be able to be absorbed into the hair tightly.

Yet these three days you can not use all sorts of pins and rubber bands, hoops and other hair accessories. The same goes for glasses and hats - all of which can prevent keratin composition absorbed. It is forbidden to use styling products, such as sprays and gels, and mousses and foams.

And finally, the most basic requirement. In two weeks, forget about the experiments with your tresses. Staining, glazing, and blondirovanie or highlighting in this period is strictly forbidden to do, otherwise you may get unwanted effects - hair simply deteriorate and become even worse than before the procedure rectification.
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Benefits for Hair

Keratin straightening technology based on the use of cosmetic products, made on the basis of natural components, which do not have the harmful and destructive influence on the structure of the hair. The structure includes means for straightening keratin, nutrients and fiber - something that helps give your hair excellent, lively look. Please note that our hair - is as much as 88% keratin. That is why this technique is so popular and useful - we fill curls vital for their substances.

Keratin molecules have a small size, so they quickly penetrate the hair cuticle, strengthening the hair structure from within and protecting it from adverse environmental factors. Now UV rays, cigarette smoke, urban smog and many other "aggressor demolition" is not physically able to spoil the hair, encountering on the way at a serious obstacle.

Many women who have tried to imagine keratin straightening, claim that after such a procedure locks much easier to install than earlier. In addition, the hair recovers quickly, even after chemical zavivok and discoloration. If you go on holiday to the sea in tropical countries, the keratin can protect the hair from the effects of sea salt and destructive UV rays.

The only negative that can be mentioned here - is formaldehyde in the composition of cosmetic preparations for keratin straightening. Formaldehyde is used in this case both bactericidal ingredient. We know that this stuff is inherently carcinogenic, provoking serious cancer. It is harmful in the case where the master is in constant contact with the formaldehyde-based products, without observing elementary safety precautions. For customers the same, from time to time carry out such a procedure, it is absolutely safe.

Keratin hair straightening - a technique that will allow your hair to look great: shine, shine and smoothness for a few months! The main thing you have to remember: choose a high-quality professional staff, who had to prove itself in the modern cosmetic market and are approved for use by leading experts. Then your appearance will delight not only you but also others!

 Features of a technique of hair straightening using keratin
